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Notices of Urgency
60 Minute Mentor South Essex Expansion
A127 Kent Elms Junction Improvement National Productivity Investment Fund Allocation (NPIF)
Acquisition of 6 Flats at St Marys Court Victoria Avenue Southend on Sea
Adoption of the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Southend from September 2018
Airport Variation to Rent Certificate Dates
Airport Business Park Plot Disposal Terms
Airport Business Park Management Company Arrangements
Airport Business Park: Planning and Highway Agreements
Anglia Level Crossing Proposals Woodgrange Close and Public Footpath FP189 Objection to the Proposed Closure
Application for Additional HRA Headroom Borrowing
Application to the DfT Access Fund 2017-20: Essex County Southend-on-Sea Borough Thurrock Councils
Application to the Sustainable Transport Transition Year 1617 Revenue Fund
Beach Hut Leases
Better Queensway Housing Infrastructure Bid
Better Start Partnership Agreement
Clean Bus Technology Grant Funding Application: Southend on Sea Borough Council Essex County Council Chelmsford City Cou
Construction Skills Fund Application
Deed of Variation HQ Theatres
Demolition of 59-61 East Street
DfT Challenge Fund Application
Disposal of 1 Cranley Avenue Westcliff on Sea and 2 Bradfordbury Leigh on Sea
Disposal of 2a Bournemouth Park Road and 4 Cranley Avenue
Disposal of 7 Ceylon Road Westcliff on Sea
Disposal of 7a Ceylon Road Westcliff on Sea
Elm Road Development Brief
Energy Company Obligation: Help to Heat Local Authority Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent
Enforcement of Injunction Against Campers on the Cliffs
Essex County Council and Southend Borough Council Joint
Essex County Council and Southend Borough Council Joint Working Agreement (JWA)
Expansion of Places at St Thomas More High School
Extension to South Essex Homes Management Contract
Friars New Nursery Funding Agreement and PSP Southend LLP
Garons Pavilion Surrender
Grant of agreement for lease and lease of land at East Beach for Restaurant Development
Grant of agreement for lease of land at East Beach for a Restaurant Development
Horizon 2020 (H2020) Framework Programme SUNRISE (Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods Research and Implementation Support
Implementation of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure to Support the E-Mobility Hub Project
Industrial Strategy Consultation Response
Innovate UK Funding Bid Grid Balancing via the Domestic Energy Supply Chain
Insurance for Property Portfolio
Land at Westbarrow Hall Park - Disposal of Open Space
Land known as 21a Southchurch Avenue
Lansdowne Avenue
Lease of 21 Pier Arches Pier Approach Southend-on-Sea
London Southend Airport Eastwoodbury Crescent
Marriotts Fish Restaurant and Store rear of the Esplanade Pub Western Esplanade
Memorandum of Understanding to form ASELA
Minor Modifications to the Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Proposed Submission Version November 2016
Museum Collection Development Policy
New Agreement with Northumbrian Water Ltd (ta Essex Suffolk Water)
New Lease at Southend Marine Activities Centre Eastern Esplanade
New Lease to Access Anyone at the Marigold Centre 62 Avenue Road Westcliff on Sea
Notice of Intention to Cease Membership of the Local Government Association (LGA)
Parking Permits
Police Crime Fire Panel for Essex
Porters Grange Primary School and Nursery
Purchase of 36 Malvern Coleman Street Southend-on-Sea
Purchase of 53 Grampian Southend on Sea Virement of HRA Capital Resources
Re-commissioning of the Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS)
Request for Landlords Consent and Variation of Existing Lease to Enable Sale and Consumption of Alcohol and Amended Open
Request to Implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in Lifstan Way near to the Railway Bridge
Request to Implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation order in Lifstan Way near to the Railway Bridge and other potent
Response to Department for Communities and Local Government Planning for the right homes in the right places: consultat
Response to Draft Castle Point Local Plan Consultation (January 2016)
Response to the Draft Basildon Local Plan Consultation (January 2016)
Response to the Draft Thurrock Local Plan Consultation (February 2016)
Response to the Lower Thames Crossing Consultation
Roots Hall and Fossetts Farm
S75 Agreement for an Essex-wide pooled budget for people with learning difficulties being discharged from hospital as pa
School Places Grant
Secondary School Place Planning
Senior Management Arrangements - Head of Culture
SO.46 Pier Entrance and 21 Pier Arches
Solar PV for Eastwood Schools
South East Business Boost ERDF Project
South Essex College Secured Loan Facility Stephenson Road
Southend Central Area Transport Scheme (S-CATS) Junction Improvements A127 Victoria Avenue Junctions at Great Eastern A
Southend Integrated Equipment Service Lease Renewal The Forum Unit 8 Coopers Way
SPONGE Project: Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Surrender and Renewal of Miller Leisures Leasehold Interests at Sealife Centre Eastern Avenue Southend-on-Sea
Sustainable Schools 2IMPREZS EU Funding Bid
Technical Housing Standards - Policy Transition Statement
The Gasworks Site Esplanade House 60 Eastern Esplanade
Urban Living Partnership Bid
Utilise the Gas Works for a Temporary Car Park
V2Street Bid Under the Innovate UK Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Call
Weekend Bank Holiday Green Fees at Belfairs Golf Course
West Leigh Junior School