Decision details

Fuel Card Services Contract

Decision Maker: Leader – Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Corporate Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Southend City Council currently deploys fuel cards to enable fleet vehicles to be refuelled. The current contract expires on 31 January 2025 and there is an urgent requirement to ensure a compliant contract is in place which must be effective from 1 February 2025.  This is to seek approval to award a contract via the use of the negotiated procedure; without prior publication as outlined in the Confidential Part 2 Appendix.



Approval to award the fuel card contract.  

Reasons for the decision:

The key reason for this decision is to enable Southend City Council to continue to refuel its fleet vehicles via a fuel card service through a contract that is compliant with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the Public Contract Regulations

Alternative options considered:

Do nothing. This option has been rejected because there is an ongoing need to fuel council vehicles to meet service delivery needs and to allow existing arrangements to continue without an agreed contract established would place the Council in a non-compliant position.


No longer utilise a fuel card service and move to another process such as p-cards or reimbursement of expenses. This has been rejected as either of these options would place added burden on staff resources to administer and create less oversight.


Publication date: 23/01/2025

Date of decision: 23/01/2025

Accompanying Documents:


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