Committee details
Traffic Regulations Working Party
Purpose of committee
The Working Party is made up of 12 Members of
the Council, and comprises the 3 Cabinet Members who sit on the
Cabinet Committee (one of whom shall be appointed Chairman) and 7
non Cabinet Members.
Its purpose is:
(a) To consider written objections and also to hear oral representations by objectors and supporters (if any) to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and to make a recommendation to the Cabinet Committee on such proposed Orders.
(b) To consider and comment on the details of traffic, transportation and highway issues, schemes, projects and requests for Traffic Regulation Orders referred to it by the Council, Cabinet or the Executive Director (Environment & Place) and make appropriate recommendations to the Cabinet Committee on those schemes and requests.
- Councillor Daniel Cowan (Chair)
- Councillor Matt Dent (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Sam Allen
- Councillor Stephen Aylen
- Councillor Kevin Buck
- Councillor David Garston
- Councillor Lydia Hyde
- Councillor James Moyies
- Councillor Shahid Nadeem
- Councillor Daniel Nelson
- Councillor Dave Poulton
- Councillor Steven Wakefield
Contact information
Support officer: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer.
Phone: 01702 215154