Meeting attendance

Thursday, 19th September, 2024 6.30 pm, People Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber - Civic Suite

Contact:    Stephanie Cox (Principal Democratic Services Officer)

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Cheryl Nevin Chair Present
Councillor Dave Poulton Vice-Chair Apologies
Councillor Stuart Allen Committee Member Present
Councillor Susan Badger Committee Member Present
Councillor Colin Campbell Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Owen Cartey Committee Member Present
Councillor Tony Cox Committee Member Present
Councillor Alan Dear Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Madison Faulkner-Hatt Committee Member Apologies
Councillor John Harland Committee Member Present
Councillor Stephen Habermel Committee Member Present
Councillor Pamela Kinsella Committee Member Present
Councillor Kathy Murphy Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Shahid Nadeem Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Jane Norman Committee Member Present
Councillor Mandy O'Connor Committee Member Present
Councillor Donna Richardson Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Lesley Salter Committee Member Present
Owen Richards Healthwatch Southend Co-Optee Present
Anthony Quinn Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS) Co-Optee Present
Revd. Canon Louise Williams Church of England Diocese Co-Optee Present
Colin Ansell Officer Expected
Claire Shuter Officer Expected
Alan Richards Officer Expected
Joe Chesterton Officer Expected
Susan Zeiss Officer Expected
Mark Harvey Officer In attendance
Michael Marks Officer In attendance
Stephanie Cox Officer In attendance
Councillor Daniel Cowan Councillor In attendance
Councillor Maxine Sadza Councillor In attendance


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