Meeting documents

Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015 2.00 pm

Jubilee Room, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
239 Apologies for absence.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor Longley.
240 Declarations of interest.
(a) Councillor Assenheim - Review of ALMO - South Essex Homes - Board Member of South Essex Homes - non-pecuniary interest

(b) Councillor Terry - Surface Water Management Plan - Lives in a flood risk area - non-pecuniary interest

(c) Councillor Terry - Roots Hall & Fossetts Farm CPO - Southend United FC season ticket holder - disclosable non-pecuniary interest - withdrew
241 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 23rd June, 2015

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd June 2015 be confirmed as a correct record and signed.
242 Pre-Cabinet Scrutiny Items
- Corporate Asset Management Strategy 2015-2025
- Transport Asset Management Plan
243 Petition - To remove taxi rank in Campfield Road, outside the Health Centre

1. That a review of the Campfield Road Taxi Rank be included in the forthcoming Taxi Rank Review for Southend, due to be undertaken during 2015/16.

2. That the Health Centre management be approached to review the dedicated parking facilities currently in place at the Centre.

Reason for Decision

To respond to the petition.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee.
Executive Councillor:- Terry.
244 In depth scrutiny report - How the Council assists and excites individuals and community groups to achieve healthier lifestyles

1. That the report and recommendations from the in-depth scrutiny project, attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications will require consideration as part of future years' budget processes prior to implementation.

3. That the Action Plan update, attached at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted.

Reason for Decision

To encourage healthier lifestyles across the Borough.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to People Scrutiny Committee.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee
245 Monthly Performance Report - July 2015

That the submitted report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committees.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
*Referred to:- People Scrutiny Committee
*Referred to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
*Referred to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
246 Annual Report - Comments, Compliments and Complaints

That the performance in respect of compliments, comments and complaints for 2014/15 be noted.

Reason for Decision

To inform Members of the comments, compliments and complaints received throughout the Council.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committees
Executive Councillors:- Woodley, Moyies and Jones
*Referred to:- People Scrutiny Committee
*Referred to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
*Referred to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
247 Digital Strategy - Moving Towards Paperless Meetings

1. That the progress made to date be noted.

2. That the incremental implementation of the project be noted.

3. That the actions being put in place to support Members and Officers to work towards paperless meetings be noted.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that all Members are fully informed of the progress of the project and are aware of the support to both Members and Officers to achieve implementation.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
248 Compulsory Purchase Order Authorities re land at Roots Hall and Fossetts Farm

1. That the resolution made by the Council on 1st March 2012 to make a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of land within the Roots Hall Site be reviewed at the next meeting of Cabinet on 10th November 2015.

2. That the resolution made by the Council on 1st March 2012 to make a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of land at Fossetts Farm be withdrawn as it is no longer required.

Reason for Decision

Further information is required in order to make an informed decision as to whether a CPO is still required in respect of the Roots Hall Site. A CPO in respect of the land at Fossetts Farm is no longer required.

Other Options

The Council could confirm or withdraw the previous CPO resolutions.

Note:- This is a Council Function.
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
*Called in to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
249 Corporate Asset Management Strategy 2015-2025

1. That the updated CAMS 2015-2025, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that the proposed CAMS now includes a commercial property investment strategy as referred to in sections 3 and 6 of the submitted report.

3. That it be noted that progression of the strategy will require specific capital resources being identified as part of the relevant budget process together with some revenue support to be funded from the Business Transformation Reserve.

Reason for Decision

To update the Council's Asset Management Strategy having regard to the comments arising from consultation

To maintain the profile of the Council's Assets and their application in helping the Council to achieve its vision and meet the corporate aims, including regeneration and development.

To provide the framework and governance to support active investment in commercial property to generate long rent revenue.

To re-affirm the reasons why the Council holds assets and why they are held and managed corporately.

To re-affirm the governance arrangements for Asset Management

Other Options

The existing strategy could be maintained and updated but this would not actively support the Council's investment aspirations.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
This item had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet Scrutiny
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
*Called in to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
250 Local Code of Governance Review

1. That the Council's Local Code of Governance, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That the Council's Constitution be updated with the revised Local Code of Governance.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that the Council has an appropriate Local Code of Governance in place and that the Code has been reviewed by Audit Committee and Cabinet.

Other Options


Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
*Called in to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
251 Mortgage Interest Rate - October 2015 to March 2016

1. That it be noted that the current Local Average Rate of Interest has changed to 4.66% from the previous declared rate of 4.67% for the period from March 2015 to September 2015.

2. That the Local Average Rate of Interest be declared at 4.69% for the period from October 2015 to March 2016.

3. That the Council's mortgage interest rate be increased from 4.66% to 4.69% for the period from October 2015 to March 2016.

Reason for Decision

To comply with the statutory requirements of the Housing Act 1985.

Other Options


Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
252 Quarter One Treasury Management Report - 2015/16

1. That the Quarter One Treasury Management Report for 2015/16, be approved.

2. That it be noted that treasury management activities were carried out in accordance with the CIPFA (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Sector during the period from April to June 2015.

3. That it be noted that the loan and investment portfolios were actively managed to minimise cost and maximise interest earned, whilst maintaining a low level of risk.

4. That it be noted that an average of £65.4m of investments were managed in-house. These earned £0.099m of interest during this three month period at an average rate of 0.61%. This is 0.25% over the average 7-day LIBID and 0.11% over the bank base rate.

5. That it be noted that an average of £24.9m of investments were managed by fund managers. These earned £0.042m of interest during this three month period at an average rate of 0.67%. This is 0.31% over the average 7-day LIBID and 0.17% over bank base rate.

6. That it be noted that an average of £5.0m was managed by a property fund manager. This earned £0.100m during this three month period from a combination of an increase in the value of the units and income distribution, giving a combined return of 7.98%. The fund started the quarter at £4.989m and increased in value with the fund at the end of the quarter at £5.081m.

7. That it be noted that the level of borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) (excluding debt relating to services transferred from Essex County Council on 1st April 1998) remained at the same level of £237.8m (HRA: £80.8m, GF: £157.0m) during the period from April to June 2015.

Reason for Decision

The CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management recommends that Local Authorities should submit reports regularly. The Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2015/16 sets out that reports would be submitted to Cabinet quarterly on the activities of the treasury management operation.

Other Options

There are many options available for the operation of the Treasury Management function, with varying degrees of risk associated with them. The Treasury Management Policy aims to effectively control risk to within a prudent level, whilst providing optimum performance consistent with that level of risk.

Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
253 Review of the Council's Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Toolkit

That subject to the inclusion of a reference to the business continuity planning process, the Council's risk policy, strategy and toolkit, outlined in Appendices 1 and 2 to the submitted report, be approved.

Reason for Decision

To update the Council's approach to risk management in the light of changes in
Council officer structure and processes since 2010.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
*Called in to:- Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
254 Review of the Council's Employee Volunteering Policy

1. That the implications of the revised volunteering policy be noted.

2. That the revised volunteering policy be approved for implementation.

Reason for Decision

To maximise the benefits of volunteering so that staff can gain extra skills to bring back to the workplace and the community can receive extra support to deliver services.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Gilbert
255 Better Queensway

1. That the work of the Housing Working Party and the Project Team to date, be noted.

2. That Phase 2 of the project be progressed, which would include the following:

- Inclusion of Network Rail land at Victoria Station within the outline master plan, as set out in Appendix 1a to the submitted report.
- Undertake further works to determine the future of the tower blocks
- The proposed preferred offer to leaseholders
- Progress investigation work to ‘cover' the Underpass and the remodelling of the roadways including the possible widening of Chichester Road
- Progress with further investigation work on the 3 financial options, including procurement routes
- Identify social infrastructure requirements as part of the whole development
- Continue to work with the Smart Cities Project
- Undertake an Economic Impact Assessment which will inform the design brief

3. That the Corporate Director for Corporate Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to negotiate to purchase any properties which become available within the ‘Better Queensway' site if this offers value for money and proves to be advantageous to the Project.

4. That it be noted that best endeavours will be undertaken to minimise disruption to residents and wherever possible, move them only once.

5. That the presentation given to the Housing Working Party on 16th September 2015, as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report, be noted.

Reason for Decision

To progress the ‘Better Queensway' project.

Other Options

As set out in the submitted report.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee.
Executive Councillors:- Woodley and Norman
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee and Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
256 Local Authority Public Health Savings

1. That the anticipated reduction to the public health ring-fenced grant in 2015/16 be noted.

2. That the initial proposals to meet the in-year savings requirement from the public health ring-fenced grant be approved.

Reason for Decision

To enable the Council to continue to deliver its mandated services and meet the requirements for the public health ring fenced grant.

Other Options


Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to People Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
257 School Admission Arrangements for Community Schools and the Coordinated Admission Scheme for Academic Year 17/18

1. That there be no consultation on the admissions arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year.

2. That consultation with governing bodies of community schools takes place on the published admission numbers for community infant, junior and primary schools for September 2017, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

3. That the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2016, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved in principle, and if there are any minor issues to be resolved following consultation with the schools, the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning, be authorised to make minor amendments to the scheme.

Reason for Decision

The determination of admission arrangements for community schools and the provision of a coordinated admissions scheme is a statutory requirement.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to People Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Jones
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee
258 Annual Report on Corporate Parenting Group

1. That the annual report, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted.

2. That the overarching priorities for 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved.

3. That the Corporate Parenting Strategy for looked-after children 2015/16, as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report, be approved.

Reason for Decision

To receive the annual report.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to People Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Jones
259 Mid-year Adoption Report

That the submitted report be noted.

Reason for Decision

To note the activities of the Southend Adoption service during the first 6 months of 2015.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to People Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Jones
260 Review of the Arm's Length Management Organisation (ALMO) - South Essex Homes

That the management agreement with South Essex Homes be extended for a further 3 year period from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2019.

Reason for Decision

As set out in the submitted report.

Other Options

1. Not to extend the Management Agreement and to bring the service back into the Council

2. Not to extend the Management Agreement and to consult tenants on other options.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Norman
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee
261 Beecroft and Central Muesum Energy Project

1. That the installation of a biomass boiler in the Beecroft Centre, serving both the Beecroft and the Central Museum, and the replacement of the lifts in the Beecroft Centre, be approved.

2. That the project be funded by £720k from the Local Growth Fund and £372k from the Capital Reserve.

3. That the Local Growth Fund budget already in the capital programme be re-profiled, a virement approved to move the £720k to a separate capital project and a new budget be approved for the £372k, to be funded from the capital reserve.

Reasons for Decision

This proposal is an invest-to-save proposition to upgrade the building avoiding future capital costs whilst also generating a future revenue stream at a low cost to the Council which can contribute to future budget savings.

Other Options

1. Do nothing. Doing nothing will leave the Beecroft exposed to failure of the obsolete bank of boilers and with poor heating to the entrance area. The Museum would be exposed to poor heating from the failure of its heating system.

2. Replace with gas boilers. This option will require £350k capital which is not budgeted without any revenue stream to support the expenditure. This would also not address the heating, ventilation and lift improvements.

3. Other renewable technologies including wind, micro anaerobic digestion, ground source heat pumps, biomass CHP and liquid biofuel have all been considered and found not to be feasible.

4. Fund through another source. It may be possible to fund the project through private sector finance sources but this would be more expensive and may not be available for a multi-technology project

5. Smaller biomass and PV. Smaller systems have been considered but they generate less revenue.

6. Framework. This project could be delivered through a Framework such as BSP. Use of an appropriate framework will be considered as part of the procurement of the works.

Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Longley
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
262 Blenheim Park Pavilion Consultation

That this item be deferred to a future meeting of the Cabinet to enable further consultation to take place with the ward councillors and residents.

Reason for Decision

To enable further consultation to take place.

Other Options

1. To refuse to grant Catholic United FC landlord consent and continue with the unsatisfactory changing accommodation provided by two tool sheds/garages and a temporary toilet.

2. Refer the matter back to the club for them to consider relocating the site elsewhere within the park and investigating the possibility of re-designing the building so that it will fit on a smaller plot.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Not eligible for call-in as this matter has already been subject to the call-in procedure.
Executive Councillor:- Longley
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
263 Southchurch Park Bowls Pavilion

1. That, in principle, the development of a proposal for Southchurch Park Bowls Club to demolish the existing pavilion and commission a new, larger facility in Southchurch Park, be approved.

2. That the publication of notice of the intention to dispose of public open space in accordance with the statutory procedures of the Local Government Act 1972 S.123 (2) be approved.

3. That it be noted that the proposed development will require external funding, existing £20,000 of financial support from the Council, detailed planning permission and the agreement of a formal lease demonstrating compliance with the Local Government Act 1972 S.123 (2A).

Reason for Decision

The proposal offers the opportunity to improve the level of facilities available in the park and offer year round use to the club and the local community.

Other Options

The existing provision could continue to be provided direct by the authority, however, building repairs are required at significant cost and on-going maintenance will continue to be the responsibility of the Council.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Longley
264 The London Shipwreck - Seventeenth Century Bronze Cannons

That in the event that external grant funding is not secured, the 3 cannons be purchased by the Council for a sum of £56,000 to be met from the Contingency Fund.

Reasons for Decision

To bring the cannons back to Southend to be reunited with the rest of the London archaeology collection and made available for professional research and the enjoyment of the local community.

Other Options

Charitable funding is currently being sought from the Headley Trust (Headley Museums Archaeological Acquisitions Fund) and the V&A Purchase Grant Fund. Competition for such funding remains fierce each year and there is little guarantee that the Museum Service will be granted all or any of the necessary funding.

Note:- This is a Council Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Longley
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
265 Devolution Proposal

1. That the Essex, Southend and Thurrock October submission to the Secretary of State be supported, subject to it reflecting the Council's governance and economic growth ambitions.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Chief Executive and Group Leaders, be authorised to submit the proposal.

Reason for Decision

To progress work on a devolution deal and combined authority.

Other Options

The Council could withdraw from the current devolution discussions pending any new announcements. This could carry the risk of deals being agreed excluding Southend.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
266 Economic Patnerships Update

That the position and activity of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership and the South Essex Growth Partnership be noted as key partnerships where the Council is an active participant.

Reason for Decision

To update Members on the activity of key economic development partnerships.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
267 Pier Hill Lift Replacement Project

1. That the lifts in the Pier Lift Tower be replaced and an up to 20kWp solar array be installed on the roof.

2. That a new capital budget be approved for the £315k to be funded from the capital reserve.

Reason for Decision

As set out in the submitted report.

Other Options

1. Do nothing. This will leave the lift towers exposed to poor reliability. The motors will require changing in the next few years which will require capital of between £45-60k.

2. Fund through another source. It may be possible to fund the project through private sector finance sources but this would be more expensive.

Note:- This is a Council Function.
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Longley
268 Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP)Preferred Approach Public Consultation

1. That the SCAAP Preferred Approach, as set out in Appendix A to the submitted report, and associated Policies Map, as set out in Appendix B, be approved for at least a minimum 6 week statutory consultation in accordance with the Southend Local Development Scheme timetable.

2. That the consultation comments received on earlier iterations of the SCAAP, as set out in Appendix C to the submitted report, be noted.

3. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, Planning and Regulatory Services, be authorised to make any minor adjustments to the approved Preferred Approach version of the SCAAP, which are considered necessary to ensure accuracy, correct references and presentation for public consultation and to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory consultation.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that the SCAAP is prepared efficiently to provide the necessary planning policy framework to guide future development in the Town Centre and Central Area before the final version of the Plan is prepared and subsequently submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination.

Other Options

Not to prepare the SCAAP and consult on the Plan. This is not recommended as an up-to-date plan prepared using local evidence and guided by community consultation, is the most appropriate guide for local planning decisions and regeneration of the town centre and central seafront area.

Note:- This is a Council Function.
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Norman
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
269 Transport Asset Management Plan

1. That the policy principles, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved (these will be used to guide the way in which the Council manages its transport assets).

2. That cross-boundary joint working on asset planning be approved, enabling greater collaborative working, benchmarking and knowledge sharing to support the Management of Assets in Southend.

3. That a more comprehensive approach to asset management and service delivery be adopted and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan be prepared.

4. That the draft Resilient Network, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved.

5. That the work undertaken so far on the approach to infrastructure investment, be noted.

6. That it be noted that the Transport Asset Management Strategy will influence the Council's approach to Highways Maintenance and Management of assets in order to meet the requirement of the Department for Transport.

7. That the draft Action Plan, as set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report, be approved.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that the Council can manage the highways infrastructure and public realm sustainably in a way that underpins the wider objectives in the Corporate Plan.

Other Options

The preparation of the TAMS is a requirement to achieve a Band 3 Status and will result in a level of funding over and above Bands 1 and 2 (this relates to the self-evaluation process expected by the DfT). One option would be to do-nothing or settle for a lower band score, however this would mean that the Council has no credible strategy for investing in assets and resulting in a significant loss of external funding for maintenance. This is not a viable position to take.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
This item had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet Scrutiny
Executive Councillor:- Terry
270 Surface Water Management Plan

1. That the Plan be adopted as the Council's high-level assessment of the sources of surface water flooding across the Borough, along with its proposals to mitigate the effects of those sources of flooding.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Public Protection, Waste & Transport, be authorised to make amendments to the document arising from Members' or consultees' comments.

3. That the Plan be approved for publication on the Council's website.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that both Members and residents are made aware of the Council's assessment of surface water flooding across the Borough.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Terry
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
271 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

1. That the Strategy be adopted as the Council's strategic approach to mitigating the effects of surface water flooding throughout the Borough.

2. That, if required due to imposed timescales, the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Public Protection, Waste & Transport, be authorised to make amendments to the document arising from Members' or consultees' comments.

3. That the Strategy be submitted to the Environment Agency and published on the Council's website.

Reason for Decision

To ensure that measures are in place in mitigate the effects of surface water flooding throughout the Borough.

Other Options


Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Terry
*Called in to:- Place Scrutiny Committee
272 Minutes of the Performance-Related Pay Panel

That the minutes of the Performance-Related Pay Panel held on Tuesday 23rd June 2015, be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
273 Minutes of the Meeting of Southend-on-Sea Local Development Framework Working Party held on Tuesday, 15th September, 2015

That the minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Party be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Norman
274 Minutes of the Meeting of Housing Working Party held on Wednesday, 16th September, 2015

That the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Working Party be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Councillor:- Norman
275 Action taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 46

That the submitted report, be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in as appropriate to the item
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee and Place Scrutiny Committee and Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Part I Report(s) on minor matters and for information
276 Exclusion of the Public.

That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the item of business set out below, on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Part II
277 Action taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 46 - Confidential sheet
  • (Attachment: 71)Council Procedure Rule 46 Confidential Sheet

That the submitted report, be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in as appropriate to the item
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item
*Called in to:- People Scrutiny Committee and Place Scrutiny Committee and Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Attendance Details

Councillor R A Woodley (Chairman)
Councillors I D Gilbert, A P Jones, J W Moyies, D A Norman MBE, M W Terry
In attendance:
R Tinlin, J K Williams, S Leftley, A Lewis, A Atherton, J Chesterton, T MacGregor, V Holliday, G Henesy, F Abbott, A Keating and C Gamble

Also Present: Councillors Assenheim, Courtenay, Crystall, Folkard, Habermel, Holland, Lamb, Mulroney and Salter

Scrutiny Comment

244 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:13

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the report and recommendations from the in-depth scrutiny project, attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications will require consideration as part of future years' budget processes prior to implementation.

3. That the Action Plan update, attached at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
248 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the resolution made by the Council on 1st March 2012 to make a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of land within the Roots Hall Site be reviewed at the next meeting of Cabinet on 10th November 2015.

2. That the resolution made by the Council on 1st March 2012 to make a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of land at Fossetts Farm be withdrawn as it is no longer required."

Note:- This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
249 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the updated CAMS 2015-2025, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that the proposed CAMS now includes a commercial property investment strategy as referred to in sections 3 and 6 of the submitted report.

3. That it be noted that progression of the strategy will require specific capital resources being identified as part of the relevant budget process together with some revenue support to be funded from the Business Transformation Reserve."

2. That, in accordance with Standing Order 39, the matter be referred to full Council for consideration.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
This item had previously been subject to pre-Cabinet Scrutiny
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
250 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the Council's Local Code of Governance, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That the Council's Constitution be updated with the revised Local Code of Governance."

Note:- This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
253 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That subject to the inclusion of a reference to the business continuity planning process, the Council's risk policy, strategy and toolkit, outlined in Appendices 1 and 2 to the submitted report, be approved."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
255 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:16

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the work of the Housing Working Party and the Project Team to date, be noted.

2. That Phase 2 of the project be progressed, which would include the following:
- Inclusion of Network Rail land at Victoria Station within the outline master plan, as set out in Appendix 1a to the submitted report.
- Undertake further works to determine the future of the tower blocks
- The proposed preferred offer to leaseholders
- Progress investigation work to ‘cover' the Underpass and the remodelling of the roadways including the possible widening of Chichester Road
- Progress with further investigation work on the 3 financial options, including procurement routes
- Identify social infrastructure requirements as part of the whole development
- Continue to work with the Smart Cities Project
- Undertake an Economic Impact Assessment which will inform the design brief

3. That the Corporate Director for Corporate Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to negotiate to purchase any properties which become available within the ‘Better Queensway' site if this offers value for money and proves to be advantageous to the Project.

4. That it be noted that best endeavours will be undertaken to minimise disruption to residents and wherever possible, move them only once.

5. That the presentation given to the Housing Working Party on 16th September 2015, as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report, be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillors:- Woodley and D Norman MBE
257 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:16

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That there be no consultation on the admissions arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year.

2. That consultation with governing bodies of community schools takes place on the published admission numbers for community infant, junior and primary schools for September 2017, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

3. That the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2016, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved in principle, and if there are any minor issues to be resolved following consultation with the schools, the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning, be authorised to make minor amendments to the scheme."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Jones
260 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:16

1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That the management agreement with South Essex Homes be extended for a further 3 year period from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2019."

2. That, in accordance with Standing Order 39, the matter be referred to full Council for consideration.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- D Norman MBE
261 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the installation of a biomass boiler in the Beecroft Centre, serving both the Beecroft and the Central Museum, and the replacement of the lifts in the Beecroft Centre, be approved.

2. That the project be funded by £720k from the Local Growth Fund and £372k from the Capital Reserve.

3. That the Local Growth Fund budget already in the capital programme be re-profiled, a virement approved to move the £720k to a separate capital project and a new budget be approved for the £372k, to be funded from the capital reserve."

Note:- This is a Council (Budget) Function
Executive Councillor:- Longley
262 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:15
264 Called in by Councillors D C McGlone and F Waterworth.
Final call on 29/09/2015 at 10:24
Supported by A Holland

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That in the event that external grant funding is not secured, the 3 cannons be purchased by the Council for a sum of £56,000 to be met from the Contingency Fund."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Longley
268 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:16

That the following recommendations of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the SCAAP Preferred Approach, as set out in Appendix A to the submitted report, and associated Policies Map, as set out in Appendix B, be approved for at least a minimum 6 week statutory consultation in accordance with the Southend Local Development Scheme timetable.

2. That the consultation comments received on earlier iterations of the SCAAP, as set out in Appendix C to the submitted report, be noted.

3. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, Planning and Regulatory Services, be authorised to make any minor adjustments to the approved Preferred Approach version of the SCAAP, which are considered necessary to ensure accuracy, correct references and presentation for public consultation and to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory consultation."

Note:- This is a Council Function
Executive Councillor:- Norman
270 Called in by Councillors L Davies and T Callaghan.
Final call on 25/09/2015 at 11:33
Supported by A Holland

1. That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the Plan be adopted as the Council's high-level assessment of the sources of surface water flooding across the Borough, along with its proposals to mitigate the effects of those sources of flooding.

2. That the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Public Protection, Waste & Transport, be authorised to make amendments to the document arising from Members' or consultees' comments.

3. That the Plan be approved for publication on the Council's website."

2. That, in accordance with Standing Order 39, the matter be referred to full Council for consideration.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Terry
271 Called in by Councillors L Davies and T Callaghan.
Final call on 25/09/2015 at 11:34
Supported by A Holland

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the Strategy be adopted as the Council's strategic approach to mitigating the effects of surface water flooding throughout the Borough.

2. That, if required due to imposed timescales, the Corporate Director for Place, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Public Protection, Waste & Transport, be authorised to make amendments to the document arising from Members' or consultees' comments.

3. That the Strategy be submitted to the Environment Agency and published on the Council's website."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Terry
275 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:18

That the submitted report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Woodley
277 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:18

That the submitted report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Woodley


243At the meeting of Council held on 23rd July 2015, Councillor Hadley presented a petition, on behalf of residents, requesting the Council to remove the taxi rank directly outside the Health Centre on Campfield Road.

(The petition had been referred to Cabinet in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.6).
244The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services presenting the final report of the in-depth scrutiny project ‘How the Council assists and excites individuals and community groups to achieve healthier lifestyles'.
246The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services presenting the annual report on comments, compliments and complaints received throughout the Council for 2014/15.
247The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services updating Members on the implementation of the Digital Strategy as regards Members ICT and the move towards paperless meetings.

In answer to questions, the Chairman made it clear that there were no plans to cease the general production of hard copy agendas and reports in the short term. While the Council must be prepared to look at going paperless, this was dependent on new technology proving its worth and Members and officers being trained to use it. He confirmed that the Council would continue to supply printers.
248The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services on a review of the resolutions of the Council to compulsorily purchase land within the Roots Hall Site and at Fossetts Farm pursuant to Section 226 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in order to facilitate the development of the area.
249The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services presenting the Corporate Asset Management Strategy (CAMS) 2015-2025, incorporating a Commercial Property Investment Strategy.
250The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk presenting the Council's Local Code of Governance following approval by the Audit Committee on 24th June 2015.
251The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services declaring the Local Average Rate of Interest on the Council's mortgages.
252The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services detailing the treasury management activity for the period from April 2015 to June 2015.
253The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive & Town Clerk outlining changes to the Council's Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Toolkit.
254The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services on a review of the Council's volunteering policy.
255The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Directors for People and Corporate Services detailing the work undertaken since the report of 23rd September 2014 together with proposals to take the ‘Better Queensway' project forward.
256The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health, outlining initial proposals for in-year savings from the public health ring-fenced grant following the Treasury announcement to reduce the national public health ring-fenced grant by £200m in 2015/16.
257The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for People which set out the proposed admission arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year together with the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2017 onwards.
258The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for People presenting the annual report on the work of the Corporate Parenting Group in regards to the progress and outcomes of children who are looked after by the Council.
259The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for People on the activities of the Southend Adoption Service between January and June 2015.
260The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for People proposing an extension of the Council's management agreement with South Essex Homes.

Members received a supplementary paper setting out the rationale for extending the Management Agreement with South Essex Homes for a 3 year period.
261The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place on a proposal to install a biomass boiler serving the Beecroft Centre and Central Museum and to replace the lifts at the Beecroft Centre.
262The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place informing Members of the outcome of the consultation on the proposal to build a new pavilion in Blenheim Park.
263The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place on a proposal to work with Southchurch Park Bowls Club to develop a new pavilion to replace the existing one in the park.
264The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place detailing proposals relating to the three historically-significant cannons illegally salvaged from the site of the 17th Century shipwreck ‘the London', lying approximately one mile from the end of Southend Pier.
265The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place on the progression of a devolution deal and combined authority.
266The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place informing Members of the current position and activity of key economic development partnerships.
267The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place on a proposal to spend up to £315k to replace the lifts in the Pier Lift Tower on Pier Hill and to provide a small solar array.
268The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place detailing the development principles, opportunity sites and policies within the Preferred Approach version of the SCAAP.
269The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place updating Members on progress in developing the Council's Transport Asset Management Strategy and detailing the draft Policy Statement and guiding principles for Transport Asset Management.
270The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place, presenting the draft Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) and detailing the measures taken to consult on this document.

Members received a summary of the consultation responses to the SWMP together with a detailed response from the Garrison Residents Association.
271The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director for Place, presenting the draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and detailing the measures taken to consult on this document.
272The Cabinet considered the minutes of the Performance-Related Pay Panel held on 23rd June 2015.
273The Cabinet considered the recommendations of the Local Development Framework Working Party held on 15th September 2015.
274The Cabinet considered the recommendations of the Housing Working Party held on 16th September 2015.


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