Meeting documents

People Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13th October, 2015 6.30 pm

Jubilee Room, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea

Attendance Details

Part I
313 Apologies and substitutions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Butler (substitute Cllr B Arscott), Councillor R E Hadley (substitute Cllr T Cox), Councillor B Ayling (no substitute) and Councillor L Davies (no substitute), V Copeland and A Clarke (co-opted members).
314 Declarations of interest.
The following interests were declared at the meeting:

(a) Councillors Jones and Moyies - interest in the referred/called-in items; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19th July 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011;

(b) Councillor Salter - agenda item relating to Scrutiny Committee update - non-pecuniary - husband is Business Unit Director at Southend Hospital for surgical services including oral surgery - urology;

(c) Councillor Robinson - agenda items relating to - Scrutiny Committee update; Schools Progress Report - non-pecuniary - NHS employee of Trust in Southend, mentioned in report; parent of children at schools mentioned in report;

(d) Councillor Nevin - agenda items relating to - Local Account; Smoke Free Southend; Scrutiny Committee update - non-pecuniary - NHS employee at Bart's which supplies dental care to Southend; previous employee at Southend Hospital;

(e) Councillor Borton - agenda items relating to - School Admission arrangements; Local Account - non-pecuniary - School Governor at Milton Hall School; Jobcentre Plus mentioned in the draft report - employer;

(f) Councillor Davidson - agenda item relating to Local Account - non-pecuniary - volunteer for Healthwatch Southend; member of Safe, support group for people with Asperger's & their families;

(g) Councillor Betson - agenda item relating to School Admission arrangements - non-pecuniary - School Governor at Heycroft School;

(h) Councillor Folkard - agenda item relating to Scrutiny Committee update - non-pecuniary - ambassador for fundraising team at Southend Hospital; on reading panel at Southend Hospital for information leaflets;

(i) Councillor Moyies - agenda items relating to - Turning Tides presentation; Smoke Free Southend - non-pecuniary - mother-in-law works with Turning Tides; in past undertaken consultancy work in this area;

(j) Mr M Rickett - agenda item relating to Schools Progress - non-pecuniary - Parent Governor at school mentioned in report.
315 Questions from Members of the Public.
Councillor Moyies, the Executive Councillor for Health and Adult Social Care responded to a written question from Mr Webb. Councillor Jones, the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning responded to a written question from Mr Webb.
316 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 14th July, 2015

That the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 14th July, 2015 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.
317 Turning Tides

That Mr Quinn and Ms Semmence be thanked for the interesting and informative presentation.
318 Monthly Performance Report - July 2015

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- As appropriate to the item.
319 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015.
In depth scrutiny report - How the Council assists and excites individuals and community groups to achieve healthier lifestyles

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the report and recommendations from the in-depth scrutiny project, attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications will require consideration as part of future years' budget processes prior to implementation.

3. That the Action Plan update, attached at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
320 Annual Report - Comments, Compliments and Complaints

That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:-

"That the performance in respect of compliments, comments and complaints for 2014/15 be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillors:- Woodley, Moyies and Jones
321 Item called in from The Cabinet minutes of Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015.
School Admission Arrangements for Community Schools and the Coordinated Admission Scheme for Academic Year 17/18

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That there be no consultation on the admissions arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year.

2. That consultation with governing bodies of community schools takes place on the published admission numbers for community infant, junior and primary schools for September 2017, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

3. That the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2016, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved in principle, and if there are any minor issues to be resolved following consultation with the schools, the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning, be authorised to make minor amendments to the scheme."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Jones
322 Local Account of Adult Social Care

That the draft report be noted and endorsed for submission to Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 10th November 2015 with the inclusion of the following:
• Need overview read of Local Account to ensure consistency in language (e.g. ‘you' / ‘third person' etc.);
• Page 6 - need to describe what ‘SHIP' is;
• Page 7 - paragraph on Better Care Fund - some typo changes & rewording needed;
• Page 15 - welcome development of Autism Partnership Board - need to be put in context though and need to establish a local strategy, joint with NHS agencies;
• Page 22 - include information on total numbers (so know proportion);
• Page 28 / Page 37 - needs to be consistent referencing to Southend Adults Board throughout report (which is in line with legislation).

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
323 Smoke Free Southend: A strategy to tackle smoking in Southend-on-Sea 2015- 2018

That the draft report be noted and endorsed for submission to Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 10th November 2015 with the inclusion of the following:
• Page 18 - need to reword ‘what's been proven to work?' section;
• Page 26 - add community events such as Village Green etc. and also reward mechanism to encourage people to attend smoking cessation;
• Add that regulations around e-cigarettes coming into force from 2016.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
324 School Organisation Data Supplement 2015

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Jones
325 Minutes of the Meeting of Chairmen's Scrutiny Forum held on Tuesday, 8th September, 2015

That the Minutes of the meeting of Chairmen's Scrutiny Forum held on Tuesday, 8th September, 2015 be received and noted and the recommendations therein endorsed.

Note: This is a Scrutiny Function.
326 Scrutiny Committee - Updates

1. That the report and actions taken be noted.

2. To support the proposals by NHS England to move the PET-CT service to the existing fixed scanner at Southend Hospital, as it offers the best long term benefits for patients and the future of the PET-CT service and to support the timescale for implementation.

3. That the project plan for the in depth scrutiny project - ‘Transition arrangements from children's to adult services' be agreed.

Note: This is a Scrutiny Function.
327 Exclusion of the Public.

That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the item of business set out below, on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Part II(Confidential)
328 Schools Progress Report
  • (Attachment: 22)Report of Corporate Director for People

That the report be noted.

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Jones
18.30 / 20.35

Attendance Details

Councillor L P Salter (Chairman),
Councillors B Arscott*, M Assenheim, M A Betson, M L Borton, S Buckley, T Cox*, M W Davidson, C J Endersby N J Folkard, D C McGlone, C J Nevin, I T Robertson, K R Robinson and M Stafford
Dr Chisnell, A Semmence, J Cooke and M Rickett (co-opted members)
(*Substitute in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 31)
In attendance:
Councillors A P Jones and J W Moyies (Executive Councillors)
Councillor M F Evans
D Simon, F Abbott, S Leftley, Dr Atherton, L Park, H Tomlinson, J O'Loughlin, S Houlden and M Singleton

Scrutiny Comment

319 Called in by Councillors J Lamb and A Holland.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:13

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That the report and recommendations from the in-depth scrutiny project, attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.

2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications will require consideration as part of future years' budget processes prior to implementation.

3. That the Action Plan update, attached at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted."

Note:- This is an Executive Function.
Executive Councillor:- Moyies
321 Called in by Councillors A Holland and J Lamb.
Final call on 02/10/2015 at 10:16

That the following decisions of Cabinet be noted:-

"1. That there be no consultation on the admissions arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year.

2. That consultation with governing bodies of community schools takes place on the published admission numbers for community infant, junior and primary schools for September 2017, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report.

3. That the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2016, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved in principle, and if there are any minor issues to be resolved following consultation with the schools, the Corporate Director for People, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Children & Learning, be authorised to make minor amendments to the scheme."

Note:- This is an Executive Function
Executive Councillor:- Jones


317Further to Minute 134 of the meeting held on 14th July 2015, the Committee received a presentation from Alison Semmence, Chief Executive Officer, SAVS and Anthony Quinn, Turning Tides Team Manager on working with older people in Southend.

Mr Quinn outlined the work of VCS around older people through the ‘Folk Like Us' project and the engagement with older people at The Hub and home visits and the ‘Safe as Houses' project. Ms Semmence briefly outlined other services for older people in Southend.

The Committee asked a number of questions which were responded to. In response to a question, Ms Semmence clarified the current funding position for the projects - the ‘Folk Like Us' project received Big lottery funding to 2019 and the ‘Safe as Houses' project received funding from the Police & Crime Commissioner in sum of £17,000 for 11 months, and are hopeful that this project will be extended.
318The Committee considered Minute 245 of Cabinet held on 22nd September 2015, together with the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) covering the period to end August 2015, which had been circulated recently.
319The Committee considered Minute 244 of Cabinet held on 22nd September, 2015, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services which presented the final report of the in-depth scrutiny project ‘How the Council assists and excites individuals and community groups to achieve healthier lifestyles'.

In response to a question, the Executive Councillor for Health and Adult Social Care said that he would take on board the comment with regard to the need to work with schools as well.
320The Committee considered Minute 246 of Cabinet held on 22nd September 2015, which had been called in to all 3 scrutiny committees, together with a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services presenting the annual report on comments, compliments and complaints received throughout the Council for 2014/15.

In response to questions on the funding for commissioned home care and the position 3 years ago, the Corporate Director for People said that he would provide a short briefing note to members.
321The Committee considered Minute 257 of Cabinet held on 22nd September, 2015, which had been called in to scrutiny, together with a report of the Corporate Director for People, which set out the proposed admission arrangements for community schools for the 2017/18 academic year together with the Coordinated Admissions Scheme for 2017 onwards.

In response to questions on the sibling admission criteria, the Corporate Director for People said that the matter would be taken to the School Places Working Party for further investigation, to take a view on the extent of the problem over the last year and if this justifies the need to consult on any change.
322(This is a pre-Cabinet Scrutiny item).

The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for People by way of pre-Cabinet Scrutiny. This presented the draft of the Local Account of Adult Social Care services in 2014/15, including priorities and plans for 2015/16.

This is the 5th annual report of this sort to be produced by the Council. The Local Account aims to provide information about the quality and value of the social care services to the users of services and local people. It is the Council's self assessment of how it provided services during 2014/15 together with plans for the future which contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of the local community.

Referring to paragraph 3.2 of the covering report, the Corporate Director for People said that will be able to include the performance data for 2014/15 in the Cabinet Report and it will be formatted and finalised for publication.

In response to questions, the Head of Adult Services and Housing agreed to provide information on the following matters:
• Page 16 - Carers Emergency Respite Scheme - the numbers registered to scheme;
• Page 16 - Priory & Delaware Residential Care Homes - clarify the current occupancy rates at Priory House;
• Page 22 - carers receiving direct payments -reduction in numbers / categories under Care Act.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and there was general consensus and support for this local account and about the content of the report.

The Committee asked that their congratulations be forwarded to all involved following the recent CQC inspection.
323(This is a pre-Cabinet Scrutiny item).

‘The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director of Public Health by way of pre-Cabinet Scrutiny which outlined the contents of ‘Smoke Free Southend: A Strategy to tackle smoking in Southend-on-Sea 2015-2018'.

In response to questions, the Executive Councillor said that he would take on board the comments made about exclusion zones around school entrances.

The Committee discussed the report in detail and there was general consensus and support for this strategy and about the content of the report.
324The Committee considered the School Organisation Data Supplement 2015. The Data Supplement is prepared annually to inform Members, schools and the public of trends in: demographics; admissions; and the number of school places in Southend.

In response to a question, the Corporate Director for People agreed to check the developments listed on page 22 of the data supplement.
326The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for Corporate Services which updated Members on some scrutiny matters, as follows:

(a) Complex Urological cancer surgery in Essex - update information set out in section 3 of the report - noted;
(b) South Essex Partnership Trust - information set out in section 4.1 of the report regarding closer collaboration between SEPT and NEP and at Appendix 1- noted;
(c) CAMHS - the new provider in Essex is NELFT - information set out in section 4.2 of the report - noted;
(d) Southend Hospital - proposed move of PET CT service to the existing fixed scanner at the Hospital - information set out in section 4.3 of the report and briefing paper by NHS England attached at Appendix 2 - noted;
(e) Proposed project plan for the in depth scrutiny project - ‘Transition arrangements from children's to adult services' set out in section 5 and at Appendix 3 - agreed. It was noted that the witness session will be held on Wednesday 24th February 2016.
328The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director for People. This advised Members of the 2015 provisional SATS and GCSE outcomes and measures taken to support, challenge and intervene in schools identified as causing concern and also advised Members of the progress made against corporate priorities and the measures planned to address these priorities in 2015.

The Committee asked that their congratulations be forwarded to the staff, governors and children at Futures on its good progress in 2015.


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