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- Notices of Urgency
- 60 Minute Mentor South Essex Expansion
- A127 Kent Elms Junction Improvement National Productivity Investment Fund Allocation (NPIF)
- Acquisition of 6 Flats at St Marys Court Victoria Avenue Southend on Sea
- Adoption of the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Southend from September 2018
- Airport Variation to Rent Certificate Dates
- Airport Business Park Plot Disposal Terms
- Airport Business Park Management Company Arrangements
- Airport Business Park: Planning and Highway Agreements
- Anglia Level Crossing Proposals Woodgrange Close and Public Footpath FP189 Objection to the Proposed Closure
- Application for Additional HRA Headroom Borrowing
- Application to the DfT Access Fund 2017-20: Essex County Southend-on-Sea Borough Thurrock Councils
- Application to the Sustainable Transport Transition Year 1617 Revenue Fund
- Beach Hut Leases
- Better Queensway Housing Infrastructure Bid
- Better Start Partnership Agreement
- Clean Bus Technology Grant Funding Application: Southend on Sea Borough Council Essex County Council Chelmsford City Cou
- Construction Skills Fund Application
- Deed of Variation HQ Theatres
- Demolition of 59-61 East Street
- DfT Challenge Fund Application
- Disposal of 1 Cranley Avenue Westcliff on Sea and 2 Bradfordbury Leigh on Sea
- Disposal of 2a Bournemouth Park Road and 4 Cranley Avenue
- Disposal of 7 Ceylon Road Westcliff on Sea
- Disposal of 7a Ceylon Road Westcliff on Sea
- Elm Road Development Brief
- Energy Company Obligation: Help to Heat Local Authority Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent
- Enforcement of Injunction Against Campers on the Cliffs
- Essex County Council and Southend Borough Council Joint
- Essex County Council and Southend Borough Council Joint Working Agreement (JWA)
- Expansion of Places at St Thomas More High School
- Extension to South Essex Homes Management Contract
- Friars New Nursery Funding Agreement and PSP Southend LLP
- Garons Pavilion Surrender
- Grant of agreement for lease and lease of land at East Beach for Restaurant Development
- Grant of agreement for lease of land at East Beach for a Restaurant Development
- Horizon 2020 (H2020) Framework Programme SUNRISE (Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods Research and Implementation Support
- Implementation of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure to Support the E-Mobility Hub Project
- Industrial Strategy Consultation Response
- Innovate UK Funding Bid Grid Balancing via the Domestic Energy Supply Chain
- Insurance for Property Portfolio
- Land at Westbarrow Hall Park - Disposal of Open Space
- Land known as 21a Southchurch Avenue
- Lansdowne Avenue
- Lease of 21 Pier Arches Pier Approach Southend-on-Sea
- London Southend Airport Eastwoodbury Crescent
- Marriotts Fish Restaurant and Store rear of the Esplanade Pub Western Esplanade
- Memorandum of Understanding to form ASELA
- Minor Modifications to the Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Proposed Submission Version November 2016
- Museum Collection Development Policy
- New Agreement with Northumbrian Water Ltd (ta Essex Suffolk Water)
- New Lease at Southend Marine Activities Centre Eastern Esplanade
- New Lease to Access Anyone at the Marigold Centre 62 Avenue Road Westcliff on Sea
- Notice of Intention to Cease Membership of the Local Government Association (LGA)
- Parking Permits
- Police Crime Fire Panel for Essex
- Porters Grange Primary School and Nursery
- Purchase of 36 Malvern Coleman Street Southend-on-Sea
- Purchase of 53 Grampian Southend on Sea Virement of HRA Capital Resources
- Re-commissioning of the Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS)
- Request for Landlords Consent and Variation of Existing Lease to Enable Sale and Consumption of Alcohol and Amended Open
- Request to Implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in Lifstan Way near to the Railway Bridge
- Request to Implement an Experimental Traffic Regulation order in Lifstan Way near to the Railway Bridge and other potent
- Response to Department for Communities and Local Government Planning for the right homes in the right places: consultat
- Response to Draft Castle Point Local Plan Consultation (January 2016)
- Response to the Draft Basildon Local Plan Consultation (January 2016)
- Response to the Draft Thurrock Local Plan Consultation (February 2016)
- Response to the Lower Thames Crossing Consultation
- Roots Hall and Fossetts Farm
- S75 Agreement for an Essex-wide pooled budget for people with learning difficulties being discharged from hospital as pa
- School Places Grant
- Secondary School Place Planning
- Senior Management Arrangements - Head of Culture
- SO.46 Pier Entrance and 21 Pier Arches
- Solar PV for Eastwood Schools
- South East Business Boost ERDF Project
- South Essex College Secured Loan Facility Stephenson Road
- Southend Central Area Transport Scheme (S-CATS) Junction Improvements A127 Victoria Avenue Junctions at Great Eastern A
- Southend Integrated Equipment Service Lease Renewal The Forum Unit 8 Coopers Way
- SPONGE Project: Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Surrender and Renewal of Miller Leisures Leasehold Interests at Sealife Centre Eastern Avenue Southend-on-Sea
- Sustainable Schools 2IMPREZS EU Funding Bid
- Technical Housing Standards - Policy Transition Statement
- The Gasworks Site Esplanade House 60 Eastern Esplanade
- Urban Living Partnership Bid
- Utilise the Gas Works for a Temporary Car Park
- V2Street Bid Under the Innovate UK Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Call
- Weekend Bank Holiday Green Fees at Belfairs Golf Course
- West Leigh Junior School