Library home - Scrutiny - Scrutiny Projects - 2007 Onwards
- 2007-08 - Buses
- 2007-08 - Housing - A Study to Highlight some of Southend's most Crucial Housing Issues
- 2007-08 - To consider how well-placed Southend is in relation to the independence and well-being of older people
- 2008-09 - Carers Need Care Too
- 2008-09 - Preparation for the 2011 Census
- 2010-11 - Dying Well - Quality end of life Care
- 2010-11 - Economic Climate
- 2010-11 - Improving the Outcomes for Young Carers
- 2011-12 - Child Poverty in Southend
- 2011-12 - Volunteering in Cultural Services
- 2011-12 - Youth Anti-social Behaviour - Perception and Reality
- 2012-13 - Developing Strong Partnership Links to Encourage Investment in the Town and the Supply of Employment Opportuni
- 2012-13 - How we Plan to Meet the Growing Demand for Social Rented Housing in the Current Economic Climate
- 2012-13 - Maximising Outcomes for Looked-after Children so they do not Become NEET Statistics
- 2013-14 - Impact of Welfare Changes
- 2013-14 - Southend Primary Schools' Falling Grammar School Entry Figures
- 2014-15 - How the Council Assists and Excites Invidivuals and Community Groups to Achieve Healthier Lifestyles
- 2014-15 - The Council's Community Leadership Role in Promoting Safer Communities
- 2015 - 2016 20 MPH Limits in Residential Streets
- 2015 - 2016 Control of Personal Debt
- 2015 - 2016 Transition arrangements from Children's to Adult Life
- 2016 - 2017 Additional Enforcement review
- 2016 - 2017 Alternative provision
- 2017 - 2018 maximising use of technology
- 2017 2018 Connecting communities
- 2018 - 2019 Children and Young People
- 2018 - 2019 Reimagining the town centre