Document Weekend Bank Holiday Green Fees at Belfairs Golf Course
Library home - Officer Decisions taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 46
Weekend Bank Holiday Green Fees at Belfairs Golf Course
The Corporate Director for Place authorised:
The restructuring of the green fees for the winter period from December to March (inclusive) as set out below, together with the suspension of the off-peak rate and the introduction of twilight rates from 12.00 p.m. (noon):
18 holes (Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday) £25 £20
18 holes (Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday) – Advantage Cards A & B £22.50 £18
18 holes (Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday) – Advantage Cards C £13.20 £10.60
Twilight £12 £10
(Reported to Cabinet on 5th January 2016)