Document Application to the DfT Access Fund 2017-20: Essex County Southend-on-Sea Borough Thurrock Councils
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Application to the DfT Access Fund 2017-20: Essex County Southend-on-Sea Borough Thurrock Councils
The Corporate Director for Place authorised:
The submission of a joint bid to this fund, in a partnership with Essex County Council and Thurrock Council, with Southend as lead partner, for total revenue funding across South Essex of approximately £3.2m over 3 years. The bid is designed to focus on economic growth and skills in six Growth Areas (Southend Central Area, Southend Airport and Business Park, Basildon, Lakeside, Tilbury & London Gateway). The bid is also designed to continue the award winning work of the Ideas in Motion behavioural change campaign and to roll this out across the South Essex area.
(Reported to Cabinet on 8th November 2016)