Document Airport Business Park: Planning and Highway Agreements
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Airport Business Park: Planning and Highway Agreements
The Chief Executive authorised:
Pursuant to Cabinet Minutes 640 (January 2014) and 372 (November 2014), Henry Boot Developments Ltd acting as the Council’s development partner for the Airport Business Park submitted a planning application to Rochford District Council (RDC) for the business park.
RDC resolved to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a planning agreement pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Terms have been agreed for the s.106 agreement and are almost agreed for the s.278 Agreement which is required for the roundabout works on Cherry Orchard Way and this SO.46 records the decision to complete the s.106, proceed to complete the s.278 as soon as it is agreed and to progress with the Phase 1 Infrastructure works consisting of the construction of the roundabout, the first section of the spine road and all associated services and utilities infrastructure.
The SO.46 sets out the contributions required to be made to RDC and Essex County Council and how they are to be funded.
(Reported to Cabinet on 10th January 2017)