Decision details
Management Arrangements
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive setting out proposals for a reconfigured corporate management team structure.
1. That the reconfigured corporate management structure to reduce by one Executive Director from September 2021 and the associated annual saving from April 2022, be noted.
2.That the current Executive Director roles for Legal and Democratic Services and Transformation be deleted and one new Executive Director role (Strategy, Change and Governance) be created.
3. That the outcome of the HR procedures for individual officers be noted and approved as detailed in the confidential Appendix C to the submitted report.
4. That the funding of the one-off payments detailed in the confidential Appendix C, be noted.
5. That the services currently underneath the Executive Director roles for Legal and Democratic Services, Transformation and Finance and Resources be realigned to the new post of Executive Director (Strategy, Change and Governance) and Executive Director (Finance and Resources), as set out in Appendix B to the report.
6. That external recruitment be arranged for the vacant Executive Director (Strategy, Change and Governance) post and interim arrangements be put in place whilst the recruitment process is undertaken.
7. That the revised Senior Leadership team posts, be noted.
8. That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, be authorised to make further adjustments to the corporate management structure following relevant HR processes.
Reasons for decision:
The decision enables the proposals and rationale for the proposals set out in the report to be implemented and will ensure, provided the Council is successful in recruitment, to deliver Councillors’ priorities and manage corporate services more effectively and efficiently.
Other options:
To make no changes to the current management arrangements. The risk is that the two Executive Director roles identified continue as currently aligned and do not allow for flexibility to effectively deliver the ambition and meet the changing demands and opportunities that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. The opportunity to make efficiencies and savings will be lost.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to: Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert
Report author: Alison Griffin
Publication date: 18/06/2021
Date of decision: 15/06/2021
Decided at meeting: 15/06/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 26/06/2021
This decision has been called in by:
- Councillor Tony Cox who writes for comsideration by Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee"
- Councillor Meg Davidson who writes for comsideration by Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee"
Accompanying Documents: