Decision details

Framework for Supply and Installation of Home Adaptations

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) requesting approval to proceed with the procurement for the supply and installation of home adaptations for older and disabled residents.




1. That the procurement of a framework of contractors for the supply, delivery, and installation of home adaptations for qualifying residents of Southend-on-Sea, be approved.


2. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Healthier Communities to appoint to the framework those suppliers who are successful following the procurement and evaluation process, and to conclude any necessary documentation.


Reasons for decision:


The framework agreement will deliver our statutory role in providing adaptations to improve and increase our prevention offer, enabling the independence of older and disabled people in Southend on Sea.


Other options:


1. Tender for a single service contract – This may lead to a potential inability to meet demand and cause the council to not meet its statutory requirements. There is also a risk of single point of failure should there be business or quality concerns.


2. Do not tender – The Council will be unable to meet its statutory responsibilities for the residents of Southend on Sea.


Note: This is an Executive Function.

Not eligible for call-in

Cabinet Member: Cllr Sadza

Report author: Stephan Liebrecht

Publication date: 17/12/2024

Date of decision: 18/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Cabinet

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