Issue - meetings
Additional Outcome Success Measures Reporting
Meeting: 30/01/2020 - Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 778)
778 Additional Outcome Success Measures Reporting PDF 2 MB
Minute 708 (Cabinet Book 4, Agenda Item No. 22 refers)
Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committees
The Committee considered Minute 708 of the meeting of Cabinet held on 16th January 2020, which had been referred direct to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Chief Executive presenting the Outcome Success Measures report that provides an update on the Council’s progression on the 23 Southend 2050 outcomes.
That the following decision of Cabinet, be noted:-
“That the Outcome Success Measures report, be noted.”
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert
Meeting: 29/01/2020 - People Scrutiny Committee (Item 763)
763 Additional Outcome Success Measures Reporting PDF 2 MB
Minute 708 (Cabinet Book 4, Agenda Item No. 22 refers)
Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committees
The Committee considered Minute 708 of the meeting of Cabinet held on 16th January 2020, which had been referred direct to Scrutiny, together with a report of the Chief Executive presenting the Outcome Success Measures report that provides an update on the Council’s progression on the 23 Southend 2050 outcomes.
In response to a question regarding EPUT, the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning highlighted that the early stages of recommissioning were underway and undertook to circulate details to the Committee.
In response to a question regarding the temporary accommodation under ‘safe and well’ the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning undertook to provide the figures in writing to the Committee.
In response to a question regarding the NEET figures under ‘Opportunity and Prosperity’, the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning undertook to provide details on the trends and information relating to the unknown ‘NEETs’ over the same period of time for comparison purposes.
That the following decision of Cabinet, be noted:-
“That the Outcome Success Measures report, be noted.”
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert
Meeting: 28/01/2020 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 753)
753 Additional Outcome Success Measures Reporting PDF 2 MB
Minute 708 (Cabinet Book 4, Agenda Item No. 22 refers)
Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committee
The Committee considered Minute 708 of Cabinet held on Thursday, 16th January 2020, which had been referred direct by Cabinet to the Scrutiny Committee for consideration, together with the report of the Chief Executive. This presented the Outcome Success Measures report that provides an update on the Council’s progression on the 23 Southend 2050 outcomes.
That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:
“That the Outcome Success Measures report, be noted.”
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert
Meeting: 16/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 708)
708 Additional Outcome Success Measures Reporting PDF 2 MB
Report of Executive Director (Transformation) attached
The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive presenting the Outcome Success Measures report that provides an update on the Council’s progression on the 23 Southend 2050 outcomes.
That the Outcome Success Measures report, be noted.
Reason for Decision
To drive the delivery of Southend 2050 ambition through robust and strategic performance management arrangements.
Other Options
Note: This is an Executive Function
Referred direct to all Scrutiny Committees
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert