Issue - meetings
ASELA Update
Meeting: 23/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 854)
Oral report of Chief Executive
Additional documents:
The Leader of the Council advised that a decision had been taken in December 2020 by the Leaders of the respective Councils to endorse, in principle, the establishment of a Joint Committee of the ASELA authorities. However, participation by Southend Borough Council in such joint arrangements would need to be agreed by the Full Council. The matter had been considered at the meeting of the ASELA and Local Government Reform Working Party held on 11th February 2021 and a report on the governance arrangements would come forward in due course.
In referring to the transformation programmes included within the ASELA Growth and Recovery Prospectus, agreed in July 2020, the Chief Executive highlighted the progress of some of the key projects.
That the current position with regard to the development of appropriate governance arrangements for ASELA, be noted.
Reasons for decision:
To receive an update on the development of governance arrangements for ASELA.
Other options:
Note: This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to: Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert
The Leader of the Council advised that a decision had been taken in December 2020 by the Leaders of the respective Councils to endorse, in principle, the establishment of a Joint Committee of the ASELA authorities. However, participation by Southend Borough Council in such joint arrangements would need to be agreed by the Full Council. The matter had been considered at the meeting of the ASELA and Local Government Reform Working Party held on 11th February 2021 and a report on the governance arrangements would come forward in due course.
In referring to the transformation programmes included within the ASELA Growth and Recovery Prospectus, agreed in July 2020, the Chief Executive highlighted the progress of some of the key projects.
That the current position with regard to the development of appropriate governance arrangements for ASELA, be noted.
Reasons for decision:
To receive an update on the development of governance arrangements for ASELA.
Other options:
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert