Issue - meetings
Declarations of Interest
Meeting: 17/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 915)
Declarations of Interest
Additional documents:
The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(a) Councillors I Gilbert, T Harp, C Mulroney, M Terry and R Woodley (Cabinet Members) - Interest in the called-in items; attended pursuant to the dispensation agreed at Council on 19 July 2012, under S.33 of the Localism Act 2011.
(b) Councillor D Garston - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) - Sons are landlords of properties within the areas of designation for the proposed Selective Licencing Scheme (but not within specific roads covered by the proposed scheme); trustee of trust that is landlord of property within the areas of designation for the Scheme (but not within specific roads covered by the scheme) - Non-pecuniary interests.
(c) Councillor M Dent - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) -Private sector tenant of property within the areas of designation for the proposed Selective Licencing Scheme – Non-pecuniary interest.
(d) Councillor D Nelson - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) – Parents are landlords of property within the areas of designation for the proposed Selective Licencing Scheme – Non-pecuniary interest.
(e) Councillor M Davidson - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) and Minute 919 (HRA Land Review Phase 4 (Lundy Close)) - Non-Executive Director of South Essex Homes - Non-pecuniary interests.
(f) Councillor S George - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) – Council’s representative on the South Essex Alliance of Landlords and Residents (SEAL) - Non-pecuniary interest.
(g) Councillor I Shead - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) - Local landlord and owns property within the areas of designation for the proposed Selective Licencing Scheme – Disclosable pecuniary interest (withdrew).
(h) Councillor R Woodley - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) – Non-pecuniary interest.
(i) Councillor S Habermel - Minute 918 (Selective Licensing Designation Report) - Landlord of property not within the areas of designation for the proposed Selective Licencing Scheme - Non-pecuniary interest.
(j) Councillor D Cowan - Minute 919 (HRA Land Review Phase 4 (Lundy Close)) - Previous involvement with residents of Lundy Close on this matter - Non-pecuniary interest
(k) Councillor D McGlone - Minute 919 (HRA Land Review Phase 4 (Lundy Close)) - Previous involvement with residents of Lundy Close on this matter - Non-pecuniary interest.