Issue - meetings
In-Depth Scrutiny Project - To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough
Meeting: 31/08/2021 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 239)
Minute 222 (Cabinet Agenda Item No. 11 refers)
Called-in by Councillors Cox and Davidson
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Place Scrutiny Draft Final Report & Recommndations, item 239
- Webcast for In-depth Scrutiny Project – ‘To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough'
The Committee considered Minute 222 of Cabinet held on Tuesday, 27th July 2021, which had been called-in to scrutiny, together with the report of the Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services) presenting the final report of the In-depth Scrutiny Project – ‘To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough.’
On behalf of the Project Team that led the in-depth scrutiny project, that Chair of the Committee expressed thanks to all councillors and officers that contributed to the project.
1. That the following decision of Cabinet be noted:
“1. That the report and recommendations arising from the in-depth scrutiny project, be approved.
2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications would require consideration as part of future years’ budget processes prior to implementation.”
2. That the officers and Councillors involved in the study be thanked for their work.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Members: Cllr Mulroney and Cllr Terry
Meeting: 27/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 222)
Report of Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Place Scrutiny Draft Final Report & Recommndations, item 222
- Webcast for In-Depth Scrutiny Project - To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough
The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services) presenting the final report of the In-depth Scrutiny Project – ‘To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough.’
1. That the report and recommendations arising from the in-depth scrutiny project, be approved.
2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications would require consideration as part of future years’ budget processes prior to implementation.
Reasons for decision:
To approve the report and recommendations from the in-depth Scrutiny Project.
Other options:
To note the report but not progress any of the recommendations.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to: Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Cabinet Members: Cllr Mulroney and Cllr Terry
The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services) presenting the final report of the In-depth Scrutiny Project – ‘To improve and increase domestic waste recycling in the Borough.’
1. That the report and recommendations arising from the in-depth scrutiny project, be approved.
2. That it be noted that approval of any recommendations with budget implications would require consideration as part of future years’ budget processes prior to implementation.
Reasons for decision:
To approve the report and recommendations from the in-depth Scrutiny Project.
Other options:
To note the report but not progress any of the recommendations.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Called-in to: Place Scrutiny Committee
Cabinet Members: Cllr Mulroney and Cllr Terry