Issue - meetings
Traffic Regulation Order Objection Report
Meeting: 18/10/2021 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 6.)
6. Traffic Regulation Order - Thorpe Bay Gardens PDF 679 KB
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Meeting: 04/10/2021 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 364)
364 Traffic Regulation Order Objection Report PDF 679 KB
Minute 323 (Cabinet Committee Agenda Item No. 4 refers - Thorpe Bay Gardens only)
Called-in by Councillors Cox and Davidson
Additional documents:
The Scrutiny Committee considered Minute 323 of Cabinet Committee, which had been called-in for scrutiny, together the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that presented the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for traffic regulation orders for the introduction of waiting restrictions in the sections of road set out in the Appendices to the submitted report.
The Committee expressed concern that the Cabinet Member for Transport, Asset Management and Inward investment and Chair of the Cabinet Committee was not in attendance to answer questions, particularly in relation to the decision regarding Thorpe Bay Gardens and why the recommendation of officers not to proceed with this matter had not been approved.
1. That the matter be referred back to Cabinet Committee for reconsideration with a recommendation that the traffic regulation order in Thorpe Bay Gardens should not proceed in accordance with the advice of Officers.
2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39, the matter be referred to full Council for consideration.
Note: This is an Executive function
Cabinet Member: Councillor Woodley
Meeting: 13/09/2021 - Cabinet Committee (Item 323)
323 Traffic Regulation Order Objection Report PDF 679 KB
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that presented the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for traffic regulation orders for the introduction of waiting restrictions in the sections of road set out in the Appendices to the submitted report.
The report sought the Cabinet Committee's approval on the way forward in respect of these proposals, after having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party, following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting.
The Cabinet Committee noted that whilst the extent of the proposed waiting restrictions in the form of junction protection was not specified, the default length for junction protection was 10 metres. The Cabinet Committee, however, noted the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party that there may be instances where the length of the junction protection could be reduced to reduce the impact on parking availability whilst maintaining clear and safe sight lines and visibility. On such location was Walker Drive at its junction with Henry Drive, where it was felt that the length of restriction in Walker Drive should be reduced to 5 metres rather than 10 metres.
The Cabinet Committee also noted the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in relation to the proposed waiting restriction in Crosby Road. It felt that the restrictions set out in the advertised draft traffic regulation order would retain some parking availability whilst maintaining the safe and efficient use of the highway.
With reference to the proposals for Thorpe Bay Gardens, the Cabinet Committee was reminded that issue relating to the Covenant, as explained at its meeting on 10th June 2021 (Minute 49 refers), was not relevant when determining highway waiting restrictions. The Council should act only in its capacity as Highways Authority in accordance with its powers to regulate the use of the highway in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and not in its capacity as landowner.
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party it was:-
1. That final confirmation of the draft traffic regulation order PTO1009 introducing waiting restrictions in the form of junction protection at various locations within the Borough be delegated to the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Asset management and Inward Investment, following discussion with the relevant Ward Members on the extent of the junction protection to be implemented at each location. The default length of the restrictions is a maximum length of 10 metres. The length of waiting restrictions in Walker Drive shall be reduced to 5 metres each side of Henry Drive.
2. That, as specified in Appendix A to the submitted report, a further review of the proposals be undertaken where alternative proposals have been suggested by residents and revised options be submitted to a future meeting of the Traffic Regulation Working Party and Cabinet Committee where appropriate. ... view the full decision text for item 323
The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that presented the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for traffic regulation orders for the introduction of waiting restrictions in the sections of road set out in the Appendices to the submitted report.
The report sought the Cabinet Committee's approval on the way forward in respect of these proposals, after having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party, following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting.
The Cabinet Committee noted that whilst the extent of the proposed waiting restrictions in the form of junction protection was not specified, the default length for junction protection was 10 metres. The Cabinet Committee, however, noted the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party that there may be instances where the length of the junction protection could be reduced to reduce the impact on parking availability whilst maintaining clear and safe sight lines and visibility. On such location was Walker Drive at its junction with Henry Drive, where it was felt that the length of restriction in Walker Drive should be reduced to 5 metres rather than 10 metres.
The Cabinet Committee also noted the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in relation to the proposed waiting restriction in Crosby Road. It felt that the restrictions set out in the advertised draft traffic regulation order would retain some parking availability whilst maintaining the safe and efficient use of the highway.
With reference to the proposals for Thorpe Bay Gardens, the Cabinet Committee was reminded that issue relating to the Covenant, as explained at its meeting on 10th June 2021 (Minute 49 refers), was not relevant when determining highway waiting restrictions. The Council should act only in its capacity as Highways Authority in accordance with its powers to regulate the use of the highway in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and not in its capacity as landowner.
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party it was:-
1. That final confirmation of the draft traffic regulation order PTO1009 introducing waiting restrictions in the form of junction protection at various locations within the Borough be delegated to the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Asset management and Inward Investment, following discussion with the relevant Ward Members on the extent of the junction protection to be implemented at each location. The default length of the restrictions is a maximum length of 10 metres. The length of waiting restrictions in Walker Drive shall be reduced to 5 metres each side of Henry Drive.
2. That, as specified in Appendix A to the submitted report, a further review of the proposals be undertaken where alternative proposals have been suggested by residents and revised options be submitted to a future meeting of the Traffic Regulation Working Party and Cabinet Committee where appropriate. ... view the full minutes text for item 323