Issue - meetings
Waste Procurement
Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 48)
Waste Procurement
Report of Executive Director (Environment and Place) to follow
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered a part 2 confidential report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) regarding the extension of the contract for recycling, waste, and street cleansing services.
1. That the proposal from Veolia to extend the recycling, waste, and street cleansing services contract for 1 year from 5th October 2023 to 4th October 2024 with an option to extend for a further 6 or 12 months (i.e. maximum of 24 months total) by mutual agreement be accepted.
2. That the Executive Director (Environment and Place), in consultation with Section 151 officer and the Cabinet Member for the Environment, be authorised to exercise the option to extend for a further 6 or 12 months (i.e. maximum of 24 months total).
3. That the cost of the extension be funded from the existing Council approved budget plans and supplemented accordingly by the Council’s earmarked Waste Reserve, as set out in Section 6.1 of the submitted report.
4. That officers be authorised to contract with Veolia accordingly and promptly to secure the contract extension.
Reasons for Decisions
As set out in the submitted report.
Other Options
As set out in the submitted report.
Note: This is an Executive function
Not eligible for call-in as this is an urgent matter
Cabinet Member: Cllr Davidson
The Cabinet considered a part 2 confidential report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) regarding the extension of the contract for recycling, waste, and street cleansing services.
1. That the proposal from Veolia to extend the recycling, waste, and street cleansing services contract for 1 year from 5th October 2023 to 4th October 2024 with an option to extend for a further 6 or 12 months (i.e. maximum of 24 months total) by mutual agreement be accepted.
2. That the Executive Director (Environment and Place), in consultation with Section 151 officer and the Cabinet Member for the Environment, be authorised to exercise the option to extend for a further 6 or 12 months (i.e. maximum of 24 months total).
3. That the cost of the extension be funded from the existing Council approved budget plans and supplemented accordingly by the Council’s earmarked Waste Reserve, as set out in Section 6.1 of the submitted report.
4. That officers be authorised to contract with Veolia accordingly and promptly to secure the contract extension.
Reasons for Decisions
As set out in the submitted report.
Other Options
As set out in the submitted report.
Note: This is an Executive function
Not eligible for call-in as this is an urgent matter
Cabinet Member: Cllr Davidson
Meeting: 14/03/2022 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 789)
Waste Collection Contract - Confidential Appendix
Minute 742 (Cabinet Agenda Item No. 24 refers, report circulated separately)
Called-in by Councillors Cox and Davidson
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 5 , View reasons restricted (789/2)
- Restricted enclosure 6 , View reasons restricted (789/3)
- Restricted enclosure 7 , View reasons restricted (789/4)
- Restricted enclosure 8 , View reasons restricted (789/5)
- Restricted enclosure 9 , View reasons restricted (789/6)
- Webcast for Waste Collection Contract - Confidential Appendix
The Committee received a confidential report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) concerning the Waste Collection Contract which was considered in conjunction with Minute No. 786 above.
That the confidential report be noted.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Mulroney
Meeting: 14/03/2022 - Place Scrutiny Committee (Item 786)
786 Waste Collection Contract PDF 603 KB
Minute 725 (Cabinet Agenda Item No. 7 refers, report circulated separately)
Called-in by Councillors Cox and Davidson
Additional documents:
The Committee considered Minute 725 of Cabinet held on 22nd February 2022, which had been called-in for scrutiny. The Committee also had before it the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) presenting two options for securing the future service provision of the Recycling, Waste and Cleansing Contract, with the express aim of supporting the Council’s declared Climate Emergency, the Southend 2050 Ambition and meeting the changing requirements of environmental legislation and the growing environmental demands of the City’s residents.
During consideration of the matter, the Committee resolved to exclude the public and press from the meeting (confidential session) to enable questions to be raised on the confidential and commercial aspects of the matter.
1. That the matter be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration with the recommendation that that the weekly collection of general residual waste be included in any tender documentation as a mandatory requirement.
2. That, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 39, the matter be referred to full Council for consideration.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Cabinet Member: Cllr Mulroney
Meeting: 22/02/2022 - Cabinet (Item 725)
725 Waste Collection Contract PDF 603 KB
Report of Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) to follow
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) presenting two options for securing the future service provision of the Recycling, Waste and Cleansing Contract, with the express aim of supporting the Council’s declared Climate Emergency, the Southend 2050 Ambition and meeting the changing requirements of environmental legislation and the growing environmental demands of the Borough’s residents.
During consideration of the report the Cabinet resolved to go into Part 2 to enable questions to be raised on the commercial aspects of the matter.
1. That a Recycling, Waste and Cleansing contract be procured for a period to be determined via the competitive dialogue process (Option B).
2. That an early market engagement exercise be undertaken to explore:
a) The viability of maintaining a full weekly service whilst still delivering the aims and parameters set out in Resolution 4 below.
b) The market’s appetite for any potential contract.
3. That the findings of the early market engagement exercise be used to inform the draft contract specification/requirements which will then be submitted to Cabinet for review/approval.
4. That the aims and requirements of any new contract should:
· Recognise the requirement for bidders to take into account the Council’s preference for a weekly collection service;
· Recognise the declaration by the Council of a Climate Change Emergency in 2019 and the need to significantly reduce residual waste;
· Comply with the Environment Act 2021 and its promulgated requirements for recycling (likely to be 65% by 2035) and other environmental matters and adaptability to further changes in legislation;
· Satisfy the financial imperatives for the Council to ensure value for money principles are adhered to;
· Follow the principles of the Waste Hierarchy;
· Maximise the use of zero or low emission plant and fleet in the operation of the services;
· Provide the best customer and digital experience for residents; and
· Consider the inclusion of a commercial waste offering.
5. That all bidders be required (in the second tier of requirements) to use to the full their experience and knowledge of the industry and future trends in service provision, both in the UK and abroad, in order to show that they have fully considered alternative operating regimes and to give clear reasoning in their bids for their chosen submissions, as opposed to those other regimes. In addition bids will be required to respond to the following:
· The maximisation of the use of sustainable fuels and vehicles;
· The employment of local residents;
· A fully intuitive education programme in respect of recycling and related environmental procedures;
· A comprehensive assessment of the need for social protection systems to be put in place for vulnerable residents; and
· A comprehensive interpretation of the nature of Southend Borough and its different residential aspects and needs.
6. That an indicative annual budget envelope for the contract be established and forms part of the invitation to tender.
7. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) and Executive Director (Finance and Resources), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, ... view the full minutes text for item 725