Issue - meetings

Revised Shareholder Agreement

Meeting: 18/11/2024 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Revised Shareholder Agreement pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Report of Executive Director (Strategy and Change)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Strategy and Change) presenting a new Shareholder Agreement and updated Partnership Agreement for Southend Care Ltd.




That the Shareholder Agreement and Partnership Agreement for Southend Care Ltd, as set out in the submitted report, be approved.


Reasons for decision:


The requirement to review and update the governance documents for Southend Care Ltd was an outcome of the independent review of the Council’s trading companies.


Other options:


Not to approve a new set of governance documents and current ways of working would continue. This option would mean the recommendation of the independent review would not be met.


Note: This is an Executive Function.

Not eligible for call-in

Cabinet Member: Cllr Cowan

Meeting: 07/11/2024 - Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)

35 Revised Shareholder Agreement pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Strategy & Change), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, presenting a new Shareholder Agreement and updated Partnership Agreement of Southend Care Ltd.


Councillor Cox queried whether the agreed dates set out in the associated action plan had been met, and if there would be a commitment for the action plans for these wholly owned companies to be made available for Scrutiny so that Members could be assured that any actions were on target.


In response the Leader advised that the action plan was reviewed by the Shareholder Board (with delegation from Cabinet to Shareholder Board), and as a result this was the appropriate governance pathway for the report. It was noted that Shareholder Board was not a decision-making body and that the minutes were referred to Cabinet.


Councillor Cox requested that the next Shareholder Board meeting receive an update on the associated action plans to determine whether the actions had been met and were on target, and for an update to then be provided to Cabinet, thereby allowing Members to scrutinise this process through the minutes of Cabinet.


The Leader of the Council confirmed that he would look to add this matter to the agenda for the next meeting of the Shareholder Board.




That the report and recommendation to Cabinet be noted.


It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.     Approve the Shareholder Agreement and Partnership Agreement for Southend Care Ltd.


Note: This is an Executive function

Cabinet Member: Councillor D Cowan (Leader of the Council)


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