Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions

Contact: Colin Gamble 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence at this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest at this meeting.


Car Cruise PSPO pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Report of Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) to follow

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) presenting the responses to the public consultation findings regarding proposals for a car cruise PSPO.




1. That the responses to the consultation, as set out at Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted.


2. That the draft Public Spaces Protection Order (Car Cruise PSPO) No.1 of 2023, be implemented.


Reasons for decision:


The introduction of a PSPO will provide a more efficient, tried and tested mechanism to replace the existing injunction to address ASB occurring at car cruises.  It will give powers to both Police and Community Safety Officers (and / or other designated Council officers) to address anti-social behaviour associated with care cruises in the city.


Other options:


The Council could choose not to renew the existing car cruise injunction.  This would result in the car cruise injunction expiring at midnight on the 11th April 2023, and this enforcement power would no longer be available to Essex Police and the Council’s authorised officers for tackling ASB.


Note: This is an Executive Function

Referred direct to Special Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member: Cllr Terry


Grassland Management Policy (Referred back at Council held on 2nd March 2023) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) to follow

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) presenting the Grassland Management Strategy which was referred back by Council at its meeting held on 2nd March 2023.


On consideration of the report the Cabinet Member for Environment, Culture and Tourism confirmed that consultation with local Councillors and residents would be an important part of the strategy.




1. That the Grassland Management Strategy, as set out at Appendix A to the submitted report to Cabinet held on 12th January 2023, be approved.


2. That the areas for grassland management be identified by officers in advance and engagement be undertaken with Ward Councillors, and residents’ associations, with wider publicity, on these areas.


3. That greater City-wide publicity to change ‘minds and hearts’ and encourage a culture change be undertaken.


4. That onsite notices advising of the changes and benefits, be provided.


5. That officers continue to engage with Councillors and communities in areas proposed for grassland management regime changes.


Reasons for decision:


To allow the delivery of the Strategy and its wider action plans, with the outcome that we have a more sustainable environment in Southend-on-Sea.


Other options


Do nothing and retain the current management and maintenance standards – the impact would be that mowing regimes would not be conducive to enhancing local biodiversity.


Note: This is an Executive Function

Not eligible for call-in as the matter has already been the subject of call-in to Place Scrutiny Committee.

Cabinet Member: Cllr Mulroney




LGA Corporate Peer Review Findings Report (Referred back by Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee held Wednesday, 15 March 2023) pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of Chief Executive.


This matter is an urgent item to allow for the Corporate Peer Challenge Officer Programme meeting on 22nd March to continue, and for initial Working Parties to go ahead by the end of March. It also allows for sufficient progress to be made in further developing plans so that the Council can benefit from the learning and improvement at the earliest stage, and to demonstrate progress to the LGA.

Additional documents:



Prior to consideration of this matter, the Leader of the Council advised that it would be taken as an urgent item to allow for the Corporate Peer Challenge Officer Programme meeting on 22nd March 2023 to continue and allow for sufficient progress to be made in further developing plans so that the Council can benefit from the learning and improvement at the earliest stage. and to demonstrate progress to the LGA when they return in August.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive presenting additional information concerning the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge report and draft action plan, which had been referred back by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 15th March 2023, and to provide responses to questions raised at the Scrutiny Committee.


On consideration of the matter the Leader of the Council confirmed that meetings of the Corporate Matters and Performance Delivery Working Party would be arranged so that the Working Party can review and have input into the development of the action plan.




1. That the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge findings and the nine recommendations, be noted.


2. That, subject to further consideration by the Corporate Matters and Performance Delivery Working Party, the steps to address the LGA’s recommendations, as set out in the Action Plan at Appendix 1 to the submitted report to Cabinet held on 21st February 2023, be approved.


Reasons for decision:


The LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge process independently validated the challenges that the Council faces.  The recommendations provide the Council with an improvement focussed and tailored response to its needs.  The recommendations further complement and add value to the Council’s own performance and improvement plans.


Other options:




Note: This is an Executive Function

Not eligible for call-in as the matter has already been the subject of call-in by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee.

Cabinet Member: Cllr George





and for initial meetings of the Corporate Matters and Performance Delivery Working Party to go ahead by the end of March.






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