Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Robert Harris - Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Borton, Cox and McMullan. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Leader of the Council - Election Additional documents: Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor informed the Council that a new Leader of the Council needed to be elected, as provided for in the Constitution.
A named vote was taken for the appointment of Leader of the Council.
For Councillor George: Cllrs Berry, Burton, Collins, Cowan, Cowdrey, Dent, George, Gilbert, Hooper, Hyde, A Jones, Kelly, Line, Mitchell, Mulroney, Murphy, O’Connor, Sadza, Shead, Stafford, Terry, Thompson, Wakefield, Ward, Wexham and Robinson (26).
Against: Cllr Moyies (1)
Abstained: Cllrs Beggs, Boyd, Buck, Buckley, Courtenay, Davidson, Dear, F Evans, K Eavns, Folkard, Garston, Habermel, Harland, Jarvis, D Jones, Lamb, Nelson, Salter, Walker, Warren and Woodley (21)
Absent: Cllrs Borton, Cox and McMullan (3)
Cllrs Berry, Burton, Collins, Cowan, Cowdrey, Dent, George, Gilbert, Harp, Hooper, Jones, Kelly, Line, Mitchell, Mulroney, Nevin, Robinson, Shead, Stafford, Terry, Thompson, Wakefield, Ward, Wexham, Woodley and Borton (26)
Abstentions: Cllrs Beck and K Evans (2)
That Councillor George be appointed Leader of the Council.
Report of Executive Director (Strategy, Change and Governance) to follow Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report of the Executive Director (Strategy, Change and Governance) on the above matter.
1. That it be noted that, following the Local Elections on 5th May 2022, the make-up of the Council is as follows:
Conservative Group – 21 Labour Group – 16 Independent Group – 6 Liberal Democrat Group – 6 Non-aligned Independent – 2
2. That the changes to the titles and responsibilities of Cabinet Members which have been made by the Leader of the Council as set out in the submitted report, be noted and that these changes be reflected in an amendment to Part 3 Schedule 1(a) of the Constitution.
3. That the appointments to the Cabinet (and substitutes) made by the Leader of the Council (including the arrangements for the Deputy Leader) as set out in List A, be noted.
4. That the appointments to the Cabinet Committee (and substitutes) made by the Leader of the Council as set out in List B, be noted.
5. That a new Armed Forces Working Party be established with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report and that Part 3, Schedule 2 to the Constitution be amended accordingly.
6. That the Council’s Constitution, including the Scheme of Delegation in Part 3, Schedule 3, be endorsed. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the Councillors set out in List C, as appended to the Minutes, be appointed as members and substitutes of Regulatory and Scrutiny Committees, Licensing Sub-Committee C, Standards Committee and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs to Regulatory and Scrutiny Committees, Licensing Sub-Committee C, Standards Committee and Audit Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the Councillors set out in List C, as appended to the Minutes, be appointed as Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Regulatory and Scrutiny Committees, Licensing Sub Committee C, Standards Committee and Audit Committee for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Appointment of Councillors and Substitutes to Working Parties, Panels, Forums, etc PDF 489 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the Councillors set out in List D, as appended to the Minutes, be appointed as members and substitutes of Working Parties, Panels, Forums, etc for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Working Parties, Panels, Forums, etc (save for Cabinet Working Parties, where the Chairs are appointed by the Leader) Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the Councillors set out in List D, as appended to the Minutes, be appointed as Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Working Parties, Panels, Forums, etc. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies PDF 55 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Worshipful the Mayor advised the Council that there had been more nominations than there were positions on one of the outside bodies. A vote on the position was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.
That the Councillors indicated in List E, as circulated at the meeting, be appointed to the outside bodies for the Municipal Year 2022/23 with the exception of the Homeless Action Resource Project (HARP) to which Councillor K Evans be appointed. |
Calendar of Meetings 2022/23 PDF 92 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That the calendar of meetings for the Municipal Year 2022/23, approved.