Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cartey (substitute: Councillor Beggs), Evans (no substitute), Gilbert (substitute: Councillor Dent), Hyde (substitute: Councillor Borton) and Walker (no substitute). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(i) Councillor Courtenay – Minute No. 46 (Renewal of Leigh-on-Sea and Chalkwell Seafront and Adjoining Areas Public Space Protection Order (No 1)) – Father is involved with the St Mary’s Church which was mentioned on the debate;
(ii) Councillor A Jones – Minute No. 44 (Economic Growth Strategy 2024-2028) – Son works for Strategic Transport Team which was mentioned in the debate: and
(iii) Councillor Woodley – Minute No. 49 (Outside Bodies Task and Finish Group – Final Report and Recommendations) – Daughter is a pilot for EasyJet which was mentioned in the debate. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 29h August 2023 PDF 72 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 29th August 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Monday 15th January 2024 PDF 72 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the special meeting held on Monday, 15th January 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Thursday, 25th January, 2024 PDF 64 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the special meeting held on Thursday, 25th January 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Questions from Members of the Public PDF 60 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted a response from the Cabinet Member for Environment to a question from Mr Mitchell. |
Economic Growth Strategy 2024-2028 PDF 115 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, that presented the Economic Growth Strategy 2024-28, setting out the approach to boosting and sustaining a robust economy in Southend-on-Sea that fosters prosperity for businesses and our communities. A copy of the strategy was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report.
The Committee welcomed the strategy and discussed the matter in some detail. The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Investment attended the meeting and responded to a number of questions.
It was pointed out that the wording of the last line on page 29 of the strategy document seemed odd as a closing statement. The Cabinet Member gave his assurance that this would be reviewed. He also gave his assurances that the strategy would have regard to the relevant social value policies.
That the report to Cabinet be noted.
Note: This is an Executive function Cabinet Member: Councillor Nelson
Environment & Regulatory Enforcement Policy PDF 129 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, that presented the updated Environment & Regulatory Enforcement Policy. This is an overarching policy which has been reviewed so that it remains fit for purpose and complies with the discharge of our statutory and operational functions. A copy of the updated policy was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report.
The Committee discussed the matter in some detail. The Cabinet Member for regulatory attended the meeting and responded to a number of questions. In response to a question regarding the type of data collected, it was explained that officers would consider how performance data on the implementation of the policy could be collated. Colleagues in other services would be involved with this. The Cabinet Member gave his assurances that a performance framework would be developed through which the implementation of this policy could be measured and reported.
That the report to Cabinet be noted.
Note: This is an Executive function Cabinet Member: Councillor Lamb |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, that sought approval of the renewal of the Public Spaces Protection Order (Leigh-on-Sea and Chalkwell Seafront and Adjoining Areas) No 1 of 2021 (“the 2021 PSPO”) following public consultation.
The Committee welcomed the renewal of the PSPO and discussed the matter in some detail. The Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Protection attended the meeting and responded to a number of questions.
That the report to Cabinet be noted.
Note: This is an Executive function Cabinet Member: Councillor Courtenay |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, that sought approval of the renewal of the Southend-on-Sea City Council (Dog Control) Public Spaces Protection Order of 2021, following public consultation.
The Committee welcomed the renewal of the PSPO and discussed the matter in some detail. The Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Protection attended the meeting and responded to a number of questions.
During the debate it was pointed out that the following errors in the wording of the covering report needed to be corrected:
- Paragraph 3.2 of the submitted report did not flow with the rest of the report. It appeared there was some missing text, or it should be merged with paragraph 3,3; and
- Paragraph 3.4, bullet point 2 either needed to be included with bullet point 1, or needed to be reworded as the wording was contradictory.
The Cabinet Member gave his assurances that the report would be corrected before being submitted to Cabinet for consideration.
That, subject to the necessary amendments to wording the covering report outlined above, the report to Cabinet be noted.
Note: This is an Executive function Cabinet Member: Councillor Courtenay |
Stray Dog Service Contract Award PDF 121 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place), by way of pre-Cabinet scrutiny, regarding the procurement of the contract of the stray dog service.
The Committee discussed the matter in some detail. The Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services attended the meeting and responded to a number of questions.
In response to a question regarding the number of stray dogs that had been re-united with their owners and those that had been re-housed or euthanised over the last year, the Cabinet Member undertook to provide any such information held after the meeting.
That the report be noted.
Note: This is an Executive function Cabinet Member: Councillor Nelson |
Outside Bodies Task and Finish Group – Final Report and Recommendations PDF 133 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 14 of its meeting held on 10th July 2023, the Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Strategy & Change), that presented the final report and recommendations of the Outside Bodies Task and Finish Group. A copy of the final report and recommendations was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report,
The Committee discussed the findings and recommendations in the final in some detail, including the merits of the Council only appointing representatives to the Airport Consultative Committee be from wards primarily affected by the airport (e.g. Ward Councillors whose residents were living under the flight path). The Vice-Chair of the Committee, who had been appointed Chair of the Task and Finish Group, answered a number of questions from Members of the Committee.
With reference to Recommendation No. 8 of the final report, the Committee suggested that the Council should also be able to replace its representative(s) on the grounds of regular non-attendance at meetings of an Outside Body without good reason.
1. That, subject to the comments above, the final report and recommendations arising from the Outside Bodies Task and Finish Group, as detailed in Section 6 attached the submitted report at Appendix 1, be agreed.
2. That Stephanie Cox, Principal Democratic Services Officer and Designated Scrutiny Officer, be thanked for her hard work in collating the information and producing the final report.
Note: This is a Scrutiny function. |