Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting via MS Teams
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jarvis (substitute: Councillor Folkard), Jones (substitute: Councillor Mitchell), D Garston (substitute: Councillor Buck), Mulroney (substitute: Councillor Collins) and Walker (substitute: Councillor Garne)
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made at the meeting:
1. Cllr Borton – Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Is on the board of South Essex Homes and the supporters are known to her.
2. Cllr Beck - Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Supporters and objectors are known to her and has discussed the proposal in general with residents.
3. Cllr Buck - Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Made public comments over the concerns of the highway aspect of the application.
4. Cllr Dent - Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Supporters of the application are known to him.
5. Cllr Mitchell - Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Residents are known to her.
6. Cllr Wakefield - Agenda Item No. 4 (20/01479/BC4M - Queensway Development, Queensway Slip Road, SW, Southend-on-Sea) - Non-Pecuniary Interest: Is a sub-contractor for South Essex Homes. |
Supplementary Report PDF 139 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and noted a supplementary report by the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director (Growth and Housing) that provided additional information on the items referred to elsewhere on the Agenda. |
Hybrid application for:
1. Outline consent for the phased demolition of existing residential and commercial units, pedestrian footbridge, and associated structures and redevelopment to provide up to 1,760 dwellings, including provision of affordable housing (up to 177,650 sqm) in buildings of up to 87.17m AOD (approximately 18 storeys); up to 10,000 sqm of commercial uses comprising (a) up to 5,000 sqm of retail and cafes (Use Class E, F.2, Sui Generis) (with a maximum of 1,500 sqm outside the Primary Shopping Area); (b) up to 5,000 sqm of Employment space consisting of Workshops/Artistic Studios/Recording Studios/Brewery/Bakery (Use Class E, B2 and Sui Generis); and Office Space (Use Class E, capped at 2,500 sqm); (c) up to 1,500 sqm of Community & Creche/Nursery (Use Class E/F.1), (d) up to 1,000 sqm of Leisure (Use Class E); and (e) up to 500 sqm of Event Space (Use Class E/Sui Generis); new public open space; associated landscaping; car parking; public realm enhancements; access arrangements and associated infrastructure.
2. Detailed (full) application for phased engineering works to remove roundabout at Queensway/Sutton Road/Southchurch Road and associated underpass, with re-grading of the Queensway, to provide a new 4 lane carriageway at grade with footpath; cycle lane, bus facilities, public realm, landscaping and associated structures as well as a new roundabout at grade, linking Southchurch Road and Queensway, and closure/stopping up of Sutton Road. Additional documents:
Minutes: Proposal: Hybrid application for:
1. Outline consent for the phased demolition of existing residential and commercial units, pedestrian footbridge, and associated structures and redevelopment to provide up to 1,760 dwellings, including provision of affordable housing (up to 177,650 sqm) in buildings of up to 87.17m AOD (approximately 18 storeys); up to 10,000 sqm of commercial uses comprising (a) up to 5,000 sqm of retail and cafes (Use Class E, F.2, Sui Generis) (with a maximum of 1,500 sqm outside the Primary Shopping Area); (b) up to 5,000 sqm of Employment space consisting of Workshops/Artistic Studios/Recording Studios/Brewery/Bakery (Use Class E, B2 and Sui Generis); and Office Space (Use Class E, capped at 2,500 sqm); (c) up to 1,500 sqm of Community & Creche/Nursery (Use Class E/F.1), (d) up to 1,000 sqm of Leisure (Use Class E); and (e) up to 500 sqm of Event Space (Use Class E/Sui Generis); new public open space; associated landscaping; car parking; public realm enhancements; access arrangements and associated infrastructure.
2. Detailed (full) application for phased engineering works to remove roundabout at Queensway/Sutton Road/Southchurch Road and associated underpass, with re-grading of the Queensway, to provide a new 4 lane carriageway at grade with footpath; cycle lane, bus facilities, public realm, landscaping and associated structures as well as a new roundabout at grade, linking Southchurch Road and Queensway, and closure/stopping up of Sutton Road.
Applicant: Porters Place Southend-On-Sea LLP Agent: Mr Lyndon Gill of Barton Willmore
Mrs Carr, a local resident, spoke as an objector to the application. Mr Kauders responded on behalf of the Applicant.
Resolved: -
(a) That the Interim Director of Planning be DELEGATED to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions and following the completion of unilateral undertaking (pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)) by the Council as landowner which secures a PLANNING AGREEMENT UNDER SECTION 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to be entered into to secure the provision of:
• 17.7% units of affordable housing on site (312 units) – with 300 social/ affordable rented units and 12 units as shared equity (with the ability for additional affordable housing subject to the viability review mechanisms). • Viability review mechanisms. • £718,119.05 contribution towards secondary education (with the ability for additional deferred contributions subject to the viability review mechanisms). • Highway Works, Travel Strategy Group and (if required) up to £90,000 towards additional on and off-site mitigation and sustainable travel initiatives. • Traffic Regulation Orders. • Stopping up Orders. • Travel Plans and monitoring fees of £5,000 per year for a 10-year period. • Travel Packs. • Car Club. • Open Space and Play Space provision and maintenance. • Public Art. • Cultural Provision. • Essex RAMS payment of £125.58 per dwelling to mitigate the potential disturbance to European designated sites. • Employment and training. • CCTV. • Monitoring fee £10,000. (as further detailed in Appendix 6 to the report)
(b) That the Interim Director of Planning be DELEGATED to APPROVE ... view the full minutes text for item 948. |