Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Committee Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Borton, Berry, Dear, Faulkner-Hatt, Habermel, Harland and Warren (no substitutes). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: No interests were declared at the meeting. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 7th September, 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 7th September 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Licensing Act 2003 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) that presented a draft revised Licensing Policy Statement, (attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report), as the basis for formal consultation and to allow the Council to follow their statutory obligation set out in the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act).
That the draft revised Policy document attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report be endorsed to enable consultation to commence. Once consultation is complete, the final policy document will be submitted to the Licensing Committee for approval before being submitted to Full Council for adoption. |
Review of the Council's Statement of Gambling Policy Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) that presented a draft revised Gambling Policy Statement, (attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report), as the basis for formal consultation and to allow the Council to follow their statutory obligation set out in the Gambling Act 2005 (the Act).
That the draft revised Policy document attached at appendix 1 to the submitted report be endorsed, enabling consultation to commence. Once consultation is complete, the final policy document will be submitted to the Licensing Committee for consideration and approval before being submitted to Full Council for adoption. |