Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Rob Harris - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence at this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The sub-committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place) concerning an application by SK Café & Cocktails Ltd for the grant of a premises licence at Sahara Tapas Restaurant and Cocktail Bar, 32 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea.
The application was presented by the applicant’s representative. Mr Kumar was in attendance at the hearing. At the hearing the applicant offered the following conditions:
· The use of the outdoor seating area shall be limited to the hours of 11:00 hours to 22:00 hours for a maximum of 6 people. · No noise generated on the premises or associated with it shall be audible to residential premises after 00:00. · Regulated entertainment will cease at 00:00 daily. · Premises Licence holder shall ensure that delivery drivers and deliveries will be managed to not cause nuisance to any residents. . The sub-committee noted that two letters of objection to this application had been received from the Licensing Authority and the Environmental Protection Team. They objected on the grounds that the licensing objectives of the prevention of public nuisance would be undermined.
The sub-committee noted that no letters of objection had been received from local residents, objecting to the application.
The sub-committee carefully considered all the evidence submitted in writing and orally at the meeting. It listened to all the evidence and submissions and read all the documents. It had regard to the Statutory Guidance Notes and Southend-on-Sea City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. It considered the four licensing objectives namely the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm. Each contested application is decided on its merits.
The sub-committee acknowledged that the premises was located in a semi-commercial area and accepted the evidence of the Licensing Authority that there would be a cumulative impact on noise in the area.
The sub-committee concluded that, on the basis of the evidence presented to it in respect of this application, there was sufficient evidence to substantiate the concerns raised in the representations, namely the prevention of public nuisance (noise and disturbance), would be undermined by the granting of the application and the application failed to demonstrate how it would meet the licensing objectives.
The sub-committee therefore considered that the promotion of the licensing objectives, namely the prevention of public nuisance (noise and disturbance), would be undermined by the granting of the application before them and the application failed to demonstrate how it would meet the licensing objectives. It was therefore: Resolved:
That the application for the grant of a premises licence, be refused. |