Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 4a - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Robert Harris
No. | Item | |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence at this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest at this meeting. |
Exclusion of the Public
Minutes: Resolved:-
That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the items of business set out below, on the grounds that they would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Interim Chief Executive Arrangements No papers Minutes: Resolved:
That the Deputy Chief Executive be appointed as Chief Executive for the interim period until the new Chief Executive is appointed and takes up the post. |
Appointment of New Chief Executive (Shortlisting) Confidential packs enclosed Minutes: The Committee considered candidates for short-listing for the post of Chief Executive.
The Committee agreed a shortlist of 3 candidates for the post of Chief Executive as set out below: