Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Suite. View directions

Contact: Tim Row - Principal Committee Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Thompson and Ward (no substitutes).


Declarations of Interest


All Councillors presented declared a non-pecuniary interest on the grounds that they are Ward Councillors.


Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 14th October, 2019 pdf icon PDF 58 KB




That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 14th October 2019 be received, confirmed as a correct record and signed.


Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive, in her capacity as Returning Officer, proposing amendments to polling districts and polling places in the Parliamentary constituencies of Southend West and Rochford and Southend East that fall within the Borough. These had been developed following a statutory review of polling districts and polling places and subsequent consultation exercises.


A summary of the responses received to the consultation, together with the comments of the Returning Officer in respect of those responses were attached to the report at Appendix 2. The recommendations of the Returning Officer in respect the proposed changes were attached to the report at Appendix 3.  Large scale plans illustrating the proposals were displayed at the meeting.




1. That the comments received in response to the public consultation exercise on the polling districts and polling places/stations, as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted.


2.  That the proposed amendments to the polling districts and polling places in Milton Ward, as set out in the Report of the Returning Officer (Appendix 3) and illustrated in Proposals Map 1, not be progressed.


3.  That, with the exception of the proposed amendments within Milton Ward, the recommended amendments to the polling districts and polling places, as set out in the Report of the Returning Officer (Appendix 3), be approved.


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