Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: The Forum
Contact: Rob Harris
No. | Item |
Introduction Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductions. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from M Marks, J Gardner and P Scott. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:
(a) Cllr McMahon – Minute 17 (MSE Foundation Trust 10-year vision development) and Minute 18 (LeDeR Annual Report) in so far as they relate to EPUT and other NHS organisations.
(b) O Richards – All Minutes – Leigh-on-Sea Town Councillor. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 Minutes: Resolved:
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Public Questions Minutes: The Committee received and noted the questions from members of the public and the answers provided by the ICB. |
Revised Terms of Reference Chair/Director of Public Health Minutes: The Board considered the revised Terms of Reference which had been produced following the informal Health and Wellbeing Board development session held in September 2024.
The Board discussed the benefits and challenges around holding meetings away from the Civic Centre, which included security concerns, accessibility, live or recorded broadcasting and acoustics. The Board also noted that further clarity on the representation from the ICB, given its broader NHS partnership.
1. That the revised Terms of Reference, subject to minor amendments, be approved.
2. That the options for the location of future meetings be explored and presented back to the next meeting. |
MSE Foundation Trust 10-year Vision development PowerPoint Presentatin from Dr Preeti Sud Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Dr Sud presenting a detailed overview of the Mid and South Essex Foundation Trust (MSEFT) draft 10-year strategy and next steps in its development.
That the PowerPoint presentation on the MSEFT 10-year strategy be noted.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by the relevant partners.
LeDeR Annual Report 2024 and Delivery Plan Andrew Graham, LD Health Commissioner Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation from A Graham presenting the SET Learning from Lives and Deaths (LeDeR) Annual Report for 2023-24.
The Board asked questions which were responded to by partners.
That the SET LeDeR 2023-24 Annual Report and recommendations be noted. |
ABSS Legacy Presentation and Discussion Alex Khaldi, ABSS Chair (presentation to be tabled) Minutes: The Board received a presentation from A Khaldi presenting an overview of the key risks, challenges and opportunities for the legacy and sustainability of A Better Start Southend (ABSS) beyond 31st March 2025, when the National Lottery funding comes to an end.
The Board emphasised the importance to progress the next steps detailed below at pace over the next six weeks to ensure the sustainability and legacy of ABSS beyond March 2025:
1. That the challenges and opportunities for the sustainability and future legacy of ABSS be noted and the next steps outlined above be progressed at pace over the next six weeks.
2. That a strategic meeting, involving ABSS and key partners, will be facilitated by the Director of Public Health to review the key schemes and services and agree a clear approach to resolution and/or decommissioning.
Date and time of next meeting - Tuesday, 10 December 2024 Minutes: The next meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 5pm. An appropriate venue for the meeting will be identified in due course. |