Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Sadza (no substitute). |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(i) Councillor Collins – Agenda Item No. 5 (Traffic Regulation Orders – Junction Protection) – Blatches Chase/Whitehouse Road – Residents had asked him to bring the matter to the Working Party for consideration;
(ii) Councillor Mitchell – Agenda Item No. 9 (London Road (Queensway to High Street) Parking) – Residents have made representations to her about difficulties with parking in this area;
(iii) Councillor Walker – Agenda Item No. 6 (School Streets (West Leigh School – Ronald Hill Grove)) – Wife teaches at both West Leigh Infants and Junior Schools; and
(iv) Councillor Walker – Agenda Item No. 9 (Prittlebrook Greenway TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) – Wife teaches at Darlinghurst Primary School. |
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 7th November 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7th November 2022 be received and confirmed as a correct record. |
Minutes of the special meeting held on Wednesday, 21st December, 2022 Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 21st December 2022 be received and confirmed as a correct record. |
Traffic Regulation Orders - Junction Protection Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that sought approval of the commencement of consultation and implementation of the relevant traffic regulation orders in respect of the junction at Blatches Chase with Whitehouse Road. This would be included in the junction protection project schemes across the City. This matter had been referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination as it crosses the boundary the two wards of Eastwood Park and St Laurence.
In response to questions, the Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network undertook to investigate the possibility of extending the restrictions further eastwards along Whitehouse Road to include the traffic island/refuge and inform Councillors of the Working Party of the outcome.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended:
1. That the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) or Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation and prepare the requisite traffic regulation order(s) for the introduction of the waiting restrictions for the proposed junction protection measures set out in the submitted report and, subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement to confirm the appropriate traffic regulation order and implement the restrictions.
2. That, in the event any objections are received in response to the statutory consultation, the matter be referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination. |
School Streets (West Leigh School - Ronald Hill Grove) Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and the Environment) that sought approval of the commencement of the statutory consultation for the relevant traffic regulation order in respect of the Ronald Hill Grove (West Leigh School Street) proposals and the implementation of the scheme should the traffic regulation order be confirmed. This matter had been referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination as it crosses the boundary of two or more electoral wards in the City.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended:
1. That the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) or Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation and prepare the requisite traffic regulation order(s) for the introduction of the Ronald Hill Grove (West Leigh School Street) scheme as set out in the submitted report and, subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement to confirm the appropriate traffic regulation order and implement the restrictions.
2. That, in the event any objections are received in response to the statutory consultation, the matter be referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: This item was withdrawn. |
Prittle Brook Greenway TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Working Party received the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) that presented proposals for the conversion of existing pedestrian only footways to shared use cycle track at various locations as set out in the submitted report to improve the continuity of Prittle Brook Greenway cycle track.
The report also sought approval of the commencement of the statutory consultation and implementation of the relevant traffic regulation orders to support the scheme. This matter had been referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination as it crosses the boundary of two or more electoral Wards in the City.
In response to questions, the Council’s Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network gave her assurances that the final designs and details of the widths of the shared use cycleway/footway would be brought back to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee prior to the statutory advertisement of any proposals.
The Council’s Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network also undertook to investigate the possibility of providing appropriate markings on the pavement to advise pedestrians of the potential of cyclists as part of the improvements.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended:
1. That the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) or Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation and prepare the requisite traffic regulation order(s) to support the improvements of the continuity of Prittle Brook Greenway cycle track scheme as set out in the submitted report and, subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement to confirm the appropriate traffic regulation order and implement the restrictions.
2. That, in the event any objections are received in response to the statutory consultation, the matter be referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination. |
London Road (Queensway to High Street) Parking Additional documents:
Minutes: The Working Party received the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) that sought approval of the commencement of consultation and implementation of the relevant traffic regulation orders in respect of the review of the waiting restrictions in London Road (from Queensway Roundabout to High Street) and the implementation of the scheme should the traffic regulation order be confirmed. This matter had been referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination as it crosses the boundary of two or more electoral Wards in the City. It was noted that the proposals were a capital funded scheme complimenting the recently completed Southend Central Area Transport Scheme (S-CATS) project.
In response to questions regarding enforcement of pavement parking and concerns of vehicles parking in the central reservation, the Council’s Head of Traffic Management and Highway Network undertook to investigate other additional solutions to prevent this, including the possibility of physical measures such as planters, as part of the scheme.
The Council’s Head of Traffic Management and Highway Network undertook to inform the Working Party of the proposed timing of the loading bays prior to statutory advertisement.
1. That the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) or Head of Traffic Management and Highways Network be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation and prepare the requisite traffic regulation order(s) to support the review of the waiting restrictions in London Road (from Queensway Roundabout to High Street) as set out in the submitted report and, subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement to confirm the appropriate traffic regulation order and implement the restrictions.
2. That, in the event any objections are received in response to the statutory consultation, the matter be referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination |