Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting via MS Teams
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(a) Councillor Buck – Agenda Item No. 3 (Traffic Regulation Order Objections – Junction Protection) – Non-pecuniary interest: Has been lobbied by residents in respect of Clifton Drive;
(b) Councillor Buck – Agenda Item No. 6 (Notice of Motion – Kent Elms Junction) – Non-pecuniary interest: Has had significant involvement in the scheme and has suggested alternative proposals;
(c) Councillor Collins – Agenda Item No. 5 (Speeding Issues – Priority Ranking) – Non-pecuniary interest: Lives in Green Lane;
(d) Councillor Cowan – Agenda Item No. 5 (Speeding Issues – Priority Ranking) – Non-pecuniary interest: Has been involved with residents in respect of speeding roads;
(e) Councillor Cowan – Agenda Item No 6 (Notice of Motion – Kent Elms Junction) – Non-pecuniary interest: Has been involved with the scheme for some time and helped conduct various petitions in respect of Kent Elms Junction;
(f) Councillors Cowan & Robinson – Agenda Item No. 8 (Update on Outstanding Schemes per Ward) – Non-pecuniary interest: Officer responsible for administering the schemes is known to them personally;
(g) Councillor Garston – Agenda Item No. 3 (Traffic Regulation Order Objections – Junction Protection) and Agenda Item No. 4 (Milton Road Area Parking Consultation) – Non-pecuniary interest: Son is referred to in the report;
(h) Councillor Moring – Agenda Item No. 7 (Thorpe Bay Gardens Covenant) – Non-pecuniary interest: Lives in the Burgess Estate;
(i) Councillor Nevin – Agenda Item No. 5 (Speeding Issues – Priority Ranking) – Non-pecuniary interest: Lives in the Ward; and
(j) Councillor Terry – Agenda Item No. 5 (Speeding Issues – Priority Ranking) – Non-pecuniary interest: Lives is Eastern Esplanade |
Traffic Regulation Order Objections (Junction Protection) PDF 118 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that presented the representations that had been received in response to the statutory consultation for a traffic regulation order for the introduction of waiting restrictions in the form of junction protections at the sites listed in Appendix 1 of the submitted report.
The report also sought an appropriate recommendation to the Cabinet Committee on the way forward in respect of these proposals, following consideration of all the representations that had been received in writing and at the meeting.
Whilst noting the officer’s recommendation not to proceed with the proposed waiting restrictions in Thorpe Hall Avenue, the Working Party concluded that the restrictions should be implemented as advertised on the grounds of highway safety and visibility.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended:
1. That, subject to the exclusion of the following items, the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (Various Roads) (Stopping, Waiting, Loading and Unloading Prohibitions and Restrictions, Parking Places and Permit Parking Zones) (Consolidation) Order 2016 (Amendment No. 7) Order 2020 be confirmed as advertised:
(i) 161 - Gunners Road – West side from a point opposite the northern boundary of No. 27 Gunners Road south-westwards for a distance of 66m
(ii) 171 – Clifton Drive – Both sides from its junction with Seaforth Road westwards for approx. 12m and from its junction with Manor Road eastwards for approx. 12m
(iii) The proposed revocations in respect of Clifton Drive
2. That the whole length of Gunners Road be considered as part of a parking strategy for the road, the details of which to be submitted to the next meeting of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee.
3. That subject to the exclusion of the following items, the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (Various Roads) (Stopping, Waiting, Loading and Unloading Prohibitions and Restrictions, Parking Places and Permit Parking Zones) (Consolidation) Order 2016 (Amendment No. 3) Order 2020 be confirmed as advertised:
(i) 309 – High Street Shoeburyness – East side outside Nos 72-74 High Street Shoeburyness; and
(ii) 315 – Eastwood Road – East side from its junction with Belfairs Drive southwards for 22m and from its junction with Belfairs Drive northwards for 20m. |
Milton Road Area Parking Consultation PDF 196 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that presented the results of a parking consultation that had been undertaken in roads situated in an area bounded by Park Road, Westcliff on Sea in the east, Hamlet Court Road in the west, A13 in the north and the Fenchurch Street railway to the south.
That Working Party noted that this report had been previously considered at its meeting on 24th February 2020. At that meeting it was resolved that the matter be considered as a priority as part of the development of the Parking Strategy currently being developed and that consideration of any further requests/petitions for parking schemes referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee be deferred pending the outcome of the Parking Review. As the controlled parking zone policy had now been approved, the request for the parking scheme had been re-submitted in its entirety as part of a larger scheme.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended to authorise the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) to advertise the proposals and if no objections to commence the statutory consultation for the implementation of a parking scheme on all roads outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, and subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement, to implement the scheme. Any unresolved representations will be reported to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for consideration. |
Speeding Issues - Priority Ranking PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) regarding the review of the issues of speeding traffic within the Borough and which sought and appropriate recommendation to the Cabinet Committee on the on the way forward.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended that the priority list as identified in paragraph 4.6 of the submitted report be taken forward for proper review and brought to a future meeting of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for consideration of remedial actions, based upon value for money. Furthermore, officers as noted in paragraph 4.11, continue with the review of speed data across the Borough to ensure future issues are readily identified and reported back to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for consideration. |
Notice of Motion (Kent Elms Junction) PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party received a report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) regarding the Notice of Motion that had been presented to Council at its meeting on 27 February 2020 by Cllr David McGlone and Cllr Steven Aylen (Minute 838 refers). A copy of the motion was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
In response to questions regarding the safety audit of the junction improvements scheduled for the spring 2021, the Council’s Head of Civil Engineering gave his assurances that signage could be included in the scope of the audit. He also undertook to provide written clarification of the following matters:
(i) the accuracy of the data set out in the table under paragraph 3.2 of the submitted report; and
(ii) the legal implications of the CDM regulations for the Traffic Regulation Working Party.
That Cabinet Committee be recommended:
1. That a safety audit be undertaken of a scheme involving the provision of advanced signage regarding the merging of eastbound lanes three to two and the scheme proposed in the notice of motion, the details of which to be reported to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee when available.
2. That the eastbound speed camera is made active as soon as the Secretary of State has given approval. |
Thorpe Bay Gardens Covenant PDF 105 KB Report of Executive Director (Neighbourhoods & Environment) to follow Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party considered the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) regarding a covenant (“the Covenant”) that affected Council-owned land, that had been bought to the attention of the service, in relation to parking restrictions in Thorpe Bay Gardens.
That the matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee to enable clarification of the legal implications of the covenant to be obtained. |
Update on Outstanding Schemes per Ward PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party considered the report of the Executive Director (Neighbourhoods and Environment) that provided an update of the status of the progression of Traffic Regulation Order requests in respect of various Waiting Restrictions and Schemes across the Borough and by Ward.
In responses to Councillors concerns at a number of schemes missing from the list, the Council’s Head of Traffic & Highways gave her assurances that she would be happy to meet with Ward Councillors to discuss particular schemes.
1. That the update be noted.
2. That Councillors be requested to inform the service area by email to if there are any schemes missing from the list.
3. That more details and clarification of the schemes be included in the update report to be presented on a quarterly basis for consideration. |