Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite. View directions
Contact: Tim Row - Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:-
(i) Councillor Cox – Minute No. 9 (Petition – Making Richmond Avenue a One Way Street and 20mph) – handed in the petition on behalf of residents when his daughter was a pupil at the school;
(ii) Councillor Hyde – Minute No. 7 (Petition – Average Speed Cameras on Eastern Avenue, from the Hamstel Road junction to the Sutton Road junction) – Is an allotment holder at the Eastern Avenue allotment site and has a key for the central reservation gate to access the site; and
(iii) Councillor Woodley – Minute No. 4 (West Leigh School Streets) – Has been pushing for the scheme to be made permanent at Thorpe Greenways. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th February 2023 PDF 77 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 20th February 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
West Leigh School Streets PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place) that presented the outcome of the consultation in respect of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce the Ronald Hill Grove (West Leigh School Street) scheme.
The report sought approval for the TRO to be confirmed as advertised and the scheme implemented, on the basis of the results of the “Your Say Southend” consultation exercise, where 86% (209) of the 244 respondents supported the implementation of the School Streets Scheme permanently and to overrule the 5 objections received in response to the statutory advertisement of the proposals.
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in respect of this matter, it was:
1. That, the 5 (five) objections received in response to the statutory advertisement be overruled in the light of the significant support for the scheme to be made permanent in the outcome of the “Your Say Southend” Consultation exercise.
2. That the Executive Director (Environment and Place) be authorised to arrange for the TRO for the West Leigh School Street Scheme to be confirmed as advertised and arrange for the proposals to be implemented on a permanent basis.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure safety of pedestrians including children at school dropping off and collection times.
Other Options
To not confirm the order – This would compromise safety.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party. Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck |
Southend High Street - Pedestrian Order PDF 100 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) that sought approval of the commencement of the statutory consultation for the relevant Moving Traffic Regulation Order in respect of Southend-on-Sea High Street and the implementation of the scheme should the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be made.
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party it was:
1. That the Executive Director (Environment and Place) be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation and prepare the requisite traffic regulation order for the introduction of the Southend High Street Pedestrianisation Scheme set out in the report and, subject to there being no objections following statutory advertisement to confirm the appropriate traffic regulation order and implement the restrictions.
2. That, in the event any objections are received in response to the statutory consultation, the matter be referred to the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee for determination.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure the safety of the public.
Other Options
Do nothing – The safety of pedestrians could be compromised.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck. |
Petition - Residents' Parking in Osborne Road and Windsor Road PDF 57 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Environment and Place) in respect of the petition requesting residential parking permits at Osborne Road and Windsor Road in Westcliff-on-Sea. The petition had been referred to the Working Party and Cabinet Committee by the Council at its meeting held on 7th September 2023 (Minute No. 59 of Council refers).
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in respect of this matter, it was:
That no further action be taken on the petition at the current time, but that any impact of displaced parking and parking problems in Windsor Road and Osborne Road be considered as part of the review of the Milton West Controlled Parking Scheme.
Reason for Decision
To avoid further unnecessary displacement of parking into other roads and ensure an appropriate scheme is implemented to address any parking issues in this area.
Other Options
Implement proposals as requested – This could displace parking into other surrounding roads causing further parking problems.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party. Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee considered a petition requesting the installation of average speed cameras in the section Eastern Avenue, from its junction with Hamstel Road to its junction with Sutton Road. The petition had been referred by Council at its meeting held om 23rd March 2023 (Minute No. 803 refers).
The Cabinet Committee noted that a similar matter had been considered by the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee (Minute No. 504 of Cabinet Committee held on 2nd November 2020 refers).
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in respect of this matter, it was:
1. That a report on the petition including appropriate recommendations be submitted to a meeting of the Working Party and Cabinet Committee to take place on 5thDecember 2023.
2. That the possibility of including a pedestrian crossing in Bournemouth Park Road, close to its junction with Eastern Avenue be included in the report.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure an appropriate response is made in respect of the petition.
Other Options
Do nothing – Road safety could be compromised.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee considered a petition requesting the installation of a zebra pedestrian crossing on Royston Avenue by the gates of Temple Sutton Primary School. The petition had been referred by Council at its meeting held on 13th July 2023 (Minute No. 34 of Council refers).
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in respect of this matter, it was:-
That a report on the petition including appropriate recommendations be submitted to a meeting of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee to take place on 5th December 2023.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure an appropriate response is made in respect of the petition.
Other Options
Do nothing – The safety of pedestrians could be compromised.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party. Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck |
Petition - Making Richmond Avenue a one-way street and 20mph PDF 45 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Committee considered a petition requesting making Richmond Avenue a one way traffic flow from Caulfield Road to St Andrews Road with a 20mph speed limit. The petition had been referred by Council at its meeting held on 23rd March 2023 (Minute No. 802 of Council refers).
Having considered the views of the Traffic Regulations Working Party in respect of this matter, it was;
That a report on the petition including appropriate recommendations be submitted to a meeting of the Traffic Regulations Working Party and Cabinet Committee to take place on 5th December 2023.
Reason for Decision
To ensure that an appropriate response is made in respect of the petition.
Other Options
Do nothing – Road safety could be compromised.
Note: This is an Executive function Not eligible for call-in as the matter has been subject to pre-decision scrutiny by the Traffic Regulations Working Party Cabinet Member: Councillor Buck. |