Agenda and minutes

Venue: Darwin Room - Tickfield. View directions

Contact: Robert Harris 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Evans, Borton, Mcglone (no substitutes), Mr C Pegler, Mr J Greenstein, Ms P Draycott, Mr B Maddison, Ms M Larkin, Mr S Tinning, Ms L Hopkinson, Dr N Kokha, Ms K Mistry (no substitutes).



Declarations of Interest


Minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2016 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Minutes attached


Matters arising


National Developments in RE (item 3c refers): The SACRE received for information a guidance document from the Department for Education regarding GCSE and the religious studies curriculum.  This was in response to the high court ruling concerning the application of humanism to collective worship.  The guidance states that the high court ruling does not require the DoE to amend or structure of RS GCSE.  The judge had also ruled that it was lawful to give priority to the study of Christianity in the curriculum.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2016 be confirmed as a correct record.


Respect for All Conference/Training Feedback

Update from L Holloway


The SACRE received an overview from Lisa Holloway of the “Respect for All” RE CPD and Pupil Conference which took place on 7th March 2016 which was well received by teachers and pupils and proved very successful.  The SACRE watched a video which highlighted some of the activities and responses. The video was in the early stages and some editing, etc would take place.



That the overview from the “Respect for All” Conference be noted.


SACRE Annual Report 2014/15 and Preparation for 2015/16 Annual Report pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Draft 2014/15 Report attached from Frances Neil.


The SACRE received the SACRE Annual Report 2015 for consideration and comments.


The SACRE commented on the provision of RE in schools and expressed concerns regarding the level of RE provision and the provision of collective worship in some schools and whether they were meeting their statutory and legal requirements.  All schools should be approached to provide information on their provision of RE and collective worship.  Reference was made to the Essex SACRE guidance and work that the Luton SACRE had carried out in respect to collective worship which may be helpful for Southend.


Reference was also made to the Southend Agreed RE Syllabus and it was noted that although the syllabus has only been in place since September 2013 it would be useful to conduct a ‘light touch’ review of the syllabus with schools, etc.




That the draft SACRE Annual Report 2015, subject to any final comments/changes, be endorsed for submission to NASACRE and the Secretary of State.





Self Evaluation Tool Draft Action Plan 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Self Evaluation Tool and Action Plan from Frances Neil attached.

Additional documents:


The SACRE considered the draft action plan for 2016/17 which had been developed based on the SACRE RETool self-evaluation discussed at the last meeting held on 20th January 2016.




That the SACRE Action Plan containing the areas of development and priorities for 2016/17 be agreed.




RE Network Meetings - Way Forward

Discussion item (no papers).


The SACRE discussed the way forward to continue to support the primary and secondary teachers RE network.  The role of the RE Networks in bringing teachers together and sharing learning, good practice, etc was important, particularly their interface with the SACRE.




1. That, in principle, it was agreed that the RE Advisor to SACRE (F. Neil) continue to support the RE Networks, including the organising and arranging of their meetings. 


2. That the RE Advisor provides regular feedback to SACRE on the RE Networks.


SACRE Member Training

(a) Dealing with Determinations;

(b) Acadamies and SACREs Role;

(c) SACRE Relationship with SETSA;


Discussion items (no papers).


It was noted that there were some areas of development for SACRE members in respect to dealing with Determinations and SACRE’s role and relationship with Academies.  Other training which has been identified in the self-evaluation tool and action plan (discussed under Item 6 above) would be arranged.  It was suggested that the training could be delivered within the next meeting of the SACRE.




That a training session for members be arranged to coincide with the next SACRE meeting.




GCSE new Syllabi

Update from Kevin Ryan and Ben Maddison


This item was deferred to a future meeting.


Any Other Business


There was no other business transacted at the meeting.


Date and time of next meeting


To be arranged for September 2016, February and April 2017.


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