To exercise the powers and duties of the
Council in all matters of Development and Building Control as
specified in Part A of Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities
(Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (as
amended) including:
(a) All applications for planning permission,
listed building consent, advertisement consent, conservation area
consent, and hazardous substances consent (including the
Council’s own development proposals);
(b) Tree Preservation Orders;
(c) Enforcement Notices, Breach of Condition
Notices and Stop Notices;
(d) To undertake as necessary visits to sites
prior to the determination of applications.
Where an application is to be considered by
the Committee, an objector may be able to present their views
directly. The applicant is similarly given a right of reply if an
objector does address the Committee.
The protocol for public speaking is set out at
paragraphs 14-20 of Part 4(a)(ii) of the Council’s
Constitution and further details can be found in the
Development Control Committee leaflet.