Agenda item

20/00599/FUL - 27 Leigh Park Road, Leigh-on-Sea (Leigh Ward)


Proposal: Demolish existing building and erect two dwellinghouses with associated amenity spaces and basement parking.

Applicant: SJT Developments

Agent: Mr Alan Gloyne of SKArchitects


Cllr Garston withdrew from the meeting for this agenda item.


Resolved: -


That PLANNING PERMISSION be REFUSED for the following reasons:


01       The proposal, due to the loss of the existing traditional building which makes a positive contribution to the Leigh Conservation Area and by reason of its unsympathetic design, including its scale, rudimentary form and distinctly modern appearance, would result in a materially harmful impact on the character and appearance of the site, the streetscene and the wider area as well as less than substantial, albeit significant, harm to the importance of Leigh Conservation Area. This is unacceptable and contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Policies KP2 and CP4 of the Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy (2007), Policies DM1, DM3 and DM5 of the Southend-on-Sea Development Management Document (2015) and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019), the Southend Design and Townscape Guide (2009) and the Leigh Conservation Area Appraisal (2010).

The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying matters of concern with the proposal and clearly setting these out in the reason(s) for refusal.


Furthermore, Members of the planning committee which took the decision to refuse planning permission based their view on a detailed report prepared by officers and have considered whether there are opportunities to amend the development to address this harm. Where a potential way forward has been identified, this has been communicated to the Applicant.




1        Please note that this application would have been liable for a payment under the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) if planning permission had been granted. Therefore, if an appeal is lodged and subsequently allowed the CIL liability will be applied. Any revised application may also be CIL liable.

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