Agenda item

21/00019/FUL - 17 - 19 Manor Road, Westcliff-on-Sea (Milton Ward)


Proposal: Change of use from two (2) dwellinghouses to an eighteen

(18) Room Larger HMO (Sui Generis), associated provision

of cycle storage, amenity space to rear, bin storage and

landscaping and extension of existing vehicular access on to

Manor Road.

Applicant: Mr Freylich

Agent: Mr Maz Rahman of RD architecture Ltd.


(Councillor Garston withdrew for this item)


Mrs R Roth, a local resident, spoke as an objector to the application.  Mr K Leigh responded on behalf of the applicant..


Resolved:-  That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


01  The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than 3 years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02  The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans: 105 P3, 120 P5, 250 P5.


Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the development plan.


03  Within the first available planting season (October to March inclusive) following the first use of the development hereby approved, a soft landscaping scheme shall be implemented in line with details which have previously been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority under the provisions of these conditions. The soft landscaping scheme be implemented, completed and maintained thereafter in full accordance with the approved details.


Within a period of five years from the completion of the development hereby approved, or from the date of the planting of any tree or any tree planted in its replacement, if any tree planted as part of the approved landscaping scheme is removed, uprooted, destroyed, dies, or becomes, in the opinion of the local planning authority, seriously damaged or defective, another tree of the same species and size as that of the original tree shall be planted in the same place or in accordance with alternative tree replacement details approved under the scope of this planning condition.


Reason: In the interest of visual amenity in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policies DM1 and DM3, and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019) and the Design and Townscape Guide (2009).


04  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) the building hereby approved shall not at any time be adapted to enable formation of more than eighteen (18) bedrooms and the property shall not be occupied by more than eighteen (18) people at any one time. 


Reason: To ensure the use hereby approved would offer acceptable living conditions for its occupiers in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policies DM1, DM3 and DM8.


05  The north facing (side) window of bedroom F.1 on 17 Manor Road and the south facing (side) window of bedroom F.2 on 19 Manor Road shall be glazed in obscure glass (the glass to be obscure to at least Level 4 on the Pilkington Levels of Privacy, or equivalent) and be permanently fixed shut, except for any top hung fan light which shall be a minimum of 1.7 metres above internal finished floor level of the internal area which it serves before the property is brought into use for the purposes hereby approved.  In the case of multiple or double-glazed units at least one layer of glass in the relevant units shall be glazed in obscure glass to at least Level 4. The windows shall be retained in line with these details for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To ensure the use hereby approved would offer acceptable living conditions for its occupiers in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policies DM1, DM3 and DM8.


06  The four existing car parking spaces in the areas shown on the approved plan 250 P5 shall be retained for the lifetime of the development for the purposes of car parking solely for residents of the approved use on site and their visitors.


Reason:  To ensure the provision of adequate parking in accordance with National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Policy CP3 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM3, DM8 and DM15 of Development Management Document (2015).


07  The development hereby approved shall not be brought into first use unless and until the cycle parking facilities as shown on the approved plan 250 P5 have been provided on site in complete accordance with the approved details. The provision of at least eighteen (18) secured and covered cycle parking spaces shall be provided on site and be made available for use for the benefit of the current and future occupiers of the approved development and shall be retained in perpetuity for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate cycle parking and in the interest of visual amenity in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2, CP3 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policies DM1, DM3, DM8 and DM15, and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019) and the Design and Townscape Guide (2009).


08  Notwithstanding the information submitted and details shown on the plans submitted and otherwise hereby approved, the development hereby approved shall not be brought into first use unless and until details, including full elevations and materials, of the bin storage facility shown on approved plan 250 P5 have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The bin storage facility shall be constructed in complete accordance with the approved details. The development hereby approved shall not be brought into first use unless and until the bins have been provided on site and made available for use in line with the approved details. The bin storage facility and its bins shall thereafter be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate waste, recycling and food waste storage and in the interest of visual amenity in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2, CP3 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policies DM1, DM3, DM8 and DM15, and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019), the Design and Townscape Guide (2009) and the Waste Storage, Collection and Management Guide for New Developments (2019).


09  Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved details of energy efficiency and other sustainability measures to be included in the scheme, including the provision of at least 10% of the energy needs of the development hereby approved being provided from onsite renewable sources, shall be submitted to, agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented on site in accordance with the agreed details.


Reason: To minimise the environmental impact of the development through efficient use of resources and better use of sustainable and renewable resources in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policy DM2, and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019) and the Design and Townscape Guide (2009).


10  The development hereby approved shall incorporate water efficient design measures set out in Policy DM2 (iv) of the Development Management Document to limit internal water consumption to 105 litres per person per day (lpd) (110 lpd when including external water consumption), including measures of water efficient fittings, appliances and water recycling systems such as grey water and rainwater harvesting before they are occupied.


Reason: To minimise the environmental impact of the development through efficient use of resources and better use of sustainable and renewable resources in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2019), Core Strategy (2007) Policies KP2 and CP4, Development Management Document (2015) Policy DM2, and the advice contained within the National Design Guide (2019) and the Design and Townscape Guide (2009).


The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.  The detailed analysis is set out in a report on the application prepared by officers.




1  You are advised that as the proposed extension(s) or change of use to your property equates to less than 100sqm of new floorspace and does not involve the creation of a new dwelling (Class C3), the development benefits from a Minor Development Exemption under the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and as such no charge is payable. See the Planning Portal: ( or the Council's website ( for further details about CIL.


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