Agenda item

21/00783/AMDT & 19/02377/DOV5 - 939-953 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea (Blenheim Park Ward)


Proposals: (i) Modification of planning obligation to provide affordable housing (Section 106 agreement) dated 26.10.2017 pursuant to application 17/00563/OUTM as amended by Deed of Variation dated 06.11.2020 pursuant to application 20/00633/AMDT.

(ii) Application to vary condition number 01 (approved plans) to alter fenestrations and layout to comply with Building Regulations (Minor Material Amendment of planning permission 17/02183/RESM dated 06.06.2018) and modification of planning obligation to provide affordable housing (Section 106 agreement) dated 26.10.2017 pursuant to application 17/00563/OUTM as amended by Deed of Variation dated 06.11.2020 pursuant to application 20/00633/AMDT.

Applicant: Mr Horban

Agent: DAP Architecture


Resolved:- That determination of the matter DEFERRED to ascertain whether the applicant would be willing to include a viability review mechanism as part of the legal agreement.

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