Agenda item

Constitution Review Stage 2 Agreement on Drafting Part 3 of the Work Programme and Consideration of Part 5 of the Work Programme


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Strategy & Change) that presented some further amendments to the drafting of Part 1 (Summary and Explanation and Public Participation) and Part 2 (The Council) of the proposed new constitution for Southend-on-Sea City Council.  These were attached at Appendices B & C to the submitted report.


The report also presented the first drafts of Part 3 (Committees), Part 4 (The Executive and Joint Arrangements) and the Part 5 (Overview and Scrutiny) of a new proposed constitution for Southend-on-Sea City Council as set out in Appendices D, E and F to the submitted report.  These had been deferred by the Committee at its last meeting.


The Committee was informed that, following consultation with the Chair, the work programme had been amended.  Accordingly, the first draft of Part 5 (Overview and Scrutiny) of the new proposed constitution would be deferred to the its next meeting, taking place on 15 October 2024. The first draft of Part 6 (Councillors) would also be considered at the next meeting.


The Committee debated and reviewed the provisions presented by Officers for Parts 3 and 4 and requested amendments and adjustments to be drafted for review at the meeting of the Committee taking place on 22 October 2024.




1. That the summary of suggested drafting amendments made by Committee at its meeting on 10 September attached as Appendix A to the submitted report, be noted.


2. That, subject to the further comments made at the meeting, the revised and final drafting by officers of Part 1 (Summary and Explanation) of the proposed new Constitution as set out in Appendix B to the submitted report be approved.


3.  That, subject to the further comments made at the meeting, the revised and final drafting by officers of Part 2 (The Council) of the proposed new Constitution as set out in Appendix C to the submitted report be approved.


4. That, subject to the comments made at the meeting, the first draft Part 3 (Committees) of a new proposed constitution for Southend-on-Sea City Council as set out in Appendix D to the submitted report be noted and officers make any amendments and/or additions as appropriate based on those comments for approval at the meeting of the Committee taking place on 22October 2024.


5. That, subject to the comments made at the meeting, the first draft Part 4 (The Executive and Joint Arrangements) of a new proposed constitution for Southend-on-Sea City Council as set out in Appendix E to the submitted report be noted and officers make any amendments and/or additions as appropriate based on those comments for approval at the meeting of the Committee taking place on 22October 2024.


6. That officers bring the first drafts of the new proposed constitution as described in Part 5 (Overview and Scrutiny) of the Work Programme for consideration by Committee at its next meeting to be held on 15 October 2024.


7. That officers bring the first drafts of the new proposed constitution as described in Part 6 (Councillors) of the Work Programme for consideration by Committee at its next meeting to be held on 15 October 2024.

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