Agenda item
RETool - SACRE Self-Evaluation
Report attached.
The SACRE received the following documents:
(a) RETool Self-evaluation;
(b) Report from the SACRE Advisor;
(c) The Draft School Survey;
(d) Respect for All Conference Programme
(a) RETool Self-Evaluation
The SACRE considered the SACRE RETool reporting and evaluation toolkit which focuses on five key aspects of the work of the SACRE and is a tool to assist SACRE’s identify areas of improvement and evaluate its work.
The SACRE made a number of comments and in general agreed that most areas identified in the self-evaluation tool were in the development category. A 2016/17 draft action plan had been produced which aims to address some of the key areas of development within the evaluation toolkit.
In respect to SACRE training (Section 2d of the evaluation toolkit) Frances Neil reported that there was an external trainer who could be brought in to provide training to the SACRE.
AGREED: Frances Neil to follow-up and engage the external trainer and a training session be arranged for the SACRE at its September 2016 meeting.
The SACRE made reference to the DFE guidance on collective worship regarding determinations. It was noted that the NATRE Executive had held a series of discussions on this issue, particularly around the potential move towards a national entitlement in RE. This was also being discussed by the RE Council. It was noted that national entitlement was a form of national curriculum for RE and could radically change the way RE was delivered in schools. Further details and progress would be reported back to future SACRE meetings.
(b) RE Advisor Progress Report
The SACRE considered a report from Frances Neil which provided an update on a number of areas that had been progressed since the last meeting.
The SACRE discussed the RE Schools Survey which had been commissioned by the RE Improvement Lead to gather information about RE and Collective Worship. The survey will be sent to all Head teachers, RE leads and school governor chairs. The deadline for survey returns would be end of February/beginning of March 2016.
AGREED: The survey to be sent to all schools in the borough and a report on the results of the survey be provided to a future meeting of the SACRE.
(c) RE CPD and Pupil Conference
The SACRE received details of the “Respect for All” RE CPD and Pupil Conference which will take place on Monday 7th March 2016 at the Leigh Baptist Church, Marguerite Drive, Leigh-on-Sea. The Conference is aimed at primary school teachers and Year 6 pupils. SACRE was asked if it could contribute some funding towards the conference.
Concerns were expressed that primary aged school children were not being taught/given the non-secular and humanist view in school. Assurances were given that this was not the case, although the non-secular / humanist view may be weaker in some primary schools than others.
AGREED: The Respect for All RE CPD and Pupil Conference be supported and a financial contribution of £230 be provided from the SACRE budget.
Supporting documents:
- RETool - SACRE Self-Evaluation, item 4. PDF 314 KB
- Report from Frances Neil for SACRE 15 1 16, item 4. PDF 136 KB
- Respect for All Programme, item 4. PDF 58 KB
- School Survey, item 4. PDF 122 KB