Issue - decisions
Housing Pipeline
18/09/2020 - Housing & Development Pipeline Update
The Cabinet considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director (Growth & Housing) providing an update on the work underway in relation to the pipeline of housing and development opportunities across the Borough.
1. That the progress on the Acquisitions Programme for Council Housing as set out in sections 3.6-3.11 of the submitted report, be noted.
2. That the progress towards the development of the MMC pilot projects and HRA Land Review Phase 3 Project on various sites in Southend as set out in sections 3.12-3.17 of the report, be noted.
3. That the work progressing with Southend United Football Club and Citizen Housing in respect to the development of housing at Roots Hall and Fossett’s Farm, as set out in section 3.18-3.20 of the report, be noted in particular the proposals relating to the Youth Commemoration Ground Trust land.
4. That the progress underway with PSP Southend LLP and proposed developments at Ilfracombe Road car park and Southchurch Library, as set out in sections 3.21-3.25 of the report, be noted.
Reason for decision:
To update Cabinet on the progress of the Pipeline of Housing & Development opportunities namely the Acquisitions Programme, MMC pilot projects, Phase 3 of the HRA Land Review, PSP Southend LLP and the work with Southend United Football Club and Citizen Housing in respect to Roots Hall and Fossetts Farm.
Other options:
1. Alternative arrangements for the Right to Buy spend such as grants to Registered Providers were considered for the Acquisitions Programme however this would not have resulted in the long-term benefit to the Council in the way of HRA property.
2. The Council does not need to continue the relational partnering arrangement with PSP however this is a useful non-committal additional delivery option for the Council which will be well placed to assist with capacity and delivery, particularly (but not exclusively) of housing sites, going forward.
3. The Council does not need to pursue either the pilot developments of MMC housing, or the delivery of housing via the HRA Land Review, however these approaches are considered important contributions to the aims of the Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and of the 2050 ambitions endorsed by the Council.
Note: This is an Executive Function
Eligible for call-in to: Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Executive Member: Cllr Gilbert