Issue - decisions
Southend 2050 Refresh
30/07/2021 - Southend 2050 Refresh
The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive presenting the annual review and refresh of Southend 2050 and set out how the Council will use the evolved Southend 2050 outcomes to drive recovery.
1. That the refresh of the Southend 2050 outcomes and high-level roadmap milestones, be endorsed.
2. That further developed work on the review and refresh of the Southend 2050 outcomes and associated roadmap milestones be presented to Cabinet in September, including the associated outcome success measures.
3. That the planned engagement over the summer and additional Special Cabinet meeting on 7th September 2021, following the Scrutiny Committees, be noted.
4. That it be noted that the Southend 2050 roadmap milestones will form part of future reports that update on Southend’s recovery journey in order for responsive developments.
5. That it be noted that the performance and measures of success and progress to achieve 2050 will continue to be reported through the Outcome Success Measures Report, reported twice a year to Cabinet.
Reasons for decision:
To ensure the Council is clear on prioritised milestones to achieve the desired outcomes, focusing on response to the pandemic, economic recovery and sustainability – including financial, environmental and transformation as an organisation.
Other options:
Not to review the Council’s current ambition and desired outcomes. However, this would mean failing to set out the huge impact the crises has had on the Borough, its people and the Council and its approach to recovery.
Note: This is an Executive Function save that approval of the final decision is a Council Function.
Eligible for call-in to: Referred direct to all three Scrutiny Committees
Cabinet Member: Cllr Gilbert