Issue - decisions

Land at Prince Avenue

30/07/2021 - Land at Prince Avenue

The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Finance and Resources) setting out the strategic principles on the way forward for the potential future development of the Council’s land north of Prince Avenue.




1. That the development principles set out in section 4.2 of the submitted report, be approved.


2. That the land be appropriated for planning purposes pursuant to s.122 Local Government Act 1972.


3. That future capital receipts from the land be used to finance a budget of £200,000 (Capital) to be applied to the workstreams identified in section 4.9 of the submitted report.


4. That, to the extent that they may fall outside the scope of the delegations in the Constitution, the detailed land transactions for each element be delegated to the Executive Director (Finance and Resources), in consultation with the relevant Executive Councillors.


Reasons for decision:


The proposed development principles set out a strategy for this land which seeks to provide some flexibility whilst also enabling the development objectives and is considered to be the optimal way to bring the land forward to have the greatest impact across a range of Southend 2050 outcomes


Other Options:


The Council could:


a)             seek a new farmer tenant.

b)             look to include the land in the Airport Lease

c)             self-deliver the proposed developments

d)             market the land for sale as it is (whole or parts).

e)             consider alternative uses for all or parts


Note: This is an Executive Function

Eligible for call-in to: Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member: Cllr Woodley


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