Issue - decisions

Extension of Contact - Severe & Multiple Disadvantage Service 2024/25

20/03/2024 - Extension of Contact - Severe & Multiple Disadvantage Service 2024/25

The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Adults and Communities) presenting the proposal for a one-year extension of the contract for the Severe and Multiple Disadvantage Service (SMDS) 2024/25.




That the one-year extension to the Severe and Multiple Disadvantage Service 2024/25 contract to 31st March 2025, be approved.


Reasons for decision:


Not extending the SMDS service would have a negative impact on service users, residents and the Council.  The extension of the contract by one year will enable a more coherent review of supported housing need, and it will also enable time to expand the evidence-base for any future offer that includes the SMDS service.


Other options:


The current contract could be allowed to expire on 31st March 2024.  There would likely to be a severe impact for the individuals supported if the services were ended, as well as the Council and potentially other residents of Southend.


Note: This is an Executive Function

Not eligible for call-in

Cabinet Member: Cllr Nelson


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