Issue - decisions
Notice of Motion - Replacement of Paving Slabs
08/11/2024 - Notice of Motion - Replacement of Paving Slabs (Referred by Council on 21 March 2024)
The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Environment & Place) in response to a Notice of Motion seeking a review of the current policy for the resurfacing of footways.
That, based on the original evidence provided in 2020 and subsequent data and provision and the information contained in the submitted report, the policy for replacing footways with black DBM, regardless of current surface type is maintained.
Reasons for Decision:
To respond to the Notice of Motion
Other Options
To revert back to the pre-2020 approach. However, this was not recommended for the reasons set out in the submitted report.
Note: This is an Executive function
Not eligible for call-in
Cabinet Member: Cllr Cowan