Issue - decisions
Local Code of Governance
08/11/2024 - Updated Local Code of Governance
The Cabinet considered a report of the Executive Director (Strategy and Change) presenting the updated Local Code of Governance for approval, as recommended by the Audit Committee held on 17 July 2024.
1. That the updated Local Code of Governance, as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.
2. That it be noted that the Council’s existing Constitution will be updated to reflect the revised Local Code of Governance and will be adopted as appropriate as part of the review of the Constitution programme currently progressing through Standards Committee.
Reasons for Decisions:
CIPFA recommends that all local government bodies develop a local code of governance through their 2016 Governance Framework.
Other Options:
Note: This is an Executive Function
Not eligible for call-in
Cabinet Member: Cllr Cowan