Issue history
Minutes of the meeting of the Transport Capital & Inward Investment Working Party held on Thursday 7th January 2021
- 23/02/2021 - Agenda item, Cabinet Minutes of Transport, Capital and Inward Investment Working Party held on Thursday 7th January 2021 23/02/2021
- 26/02/2021 - Published decision: Minutes of Transport, Capital and Inward Investment Working Party held on Thursday 7th January 2021
- 03/03/2021 - Call-in made: Councillor Tony Cox
- 03/03/2021 - Call-in made: Councillor Meg Davidson
- 05/03/2021 - Call-in period expired: Minutes of Transport, Capital and Inward Investment Working Party held on Thursday 7th January 2021
- 15/03/2021 - Agenda item, Place Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Transport, Capital and Inward Investment Working Party held on Thursday 7th January 2021 15/03/2021