Issue details
Devolution Priority Programme
To seek endorsement for taking the initial steps needed in response to the proposals set out in the White Paper, and invitation from the Minister of State for Local Government and English to all two-tier areas and smaller unitary councils, to submit a letter from the Leader of the Council, alongside Essex and Thurrock Councils, to see Southend’s inclusion in the Government’s Devolution Priority Programme.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/12/2024
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
To endorse the Council's inclusion in the Devolution Priority Programme by 10th January 2025 (deadline for submission to the Minister of State for Local Government)
Decision due: 9 Jan 2025 by Cabinet
Contact: Claire Shuter, Executive Director (Strategy & Change) Email:
Consultation process
In accordance with the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rule 15 in Part 4(b) of the Council’s Constitution
Chair and Members of the Policy & Resources Scrutiny Committee
Agenda items
- 08/01/2025 - The Council Progressing Devolution in Essex 08/01/2025
- 09/01/2025 - Cabinet Progressing Devolution in Essex 09/01/2025