Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'COVID-19 Response - Changes to Phlebotomy Provision'
- Councillor Cheryl Nevin - Non-Pecuniary - Employed at external NHS Trust; Previous employment at Broomfield and Southend Hospitals; Family members employed at Mid and South-Essex Trust hospitals and in the Trust’s Estates Department; Group Director for Pathology at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust known to the councillor through previous employment
- Councillor Lesley Salter - Non-Pecuniary - Husband is a consultant surgeon at Southend University Hospital; Daughter is a consultant at Basildon Hospital; Son-in-law is a general practitioner in the Borough
- Councillor Maggie Kelly - Non-Pecuniary - Employed by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
- Councillor Margaret Borton - Non-Pecuniary - Daughter is a ward manager at the Mental Health Unit at Basildon Hospital
- Councillor Nigel Folkard - Non-Pecuniary - Ambassador for Fund Raising Team at Southend University Hospital; Member of the Readers’ Panel for Southend University Hospital; Relative employed at Broomfield Hospital
- Councillor Trevor Harp - Non-Pecuniary - Council’s appointed Governor to Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust