Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Suite
Contact: Stephanie Cox (Principal Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
Chair's Introduction & Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Chair’s Introduction
Prior to the consideration of the matters set out in the agenda, the Vice-Chair outlined their expectations of the standard of conduct and behaviour to be shown at the meeting.
(b) Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared at the meeting:
(a) Councillor C Nevin – (all Health related items) – NHS Employee.
(b) Councillor N Folkard – (all Health related items) – relative works for Broomfield Hospital and part of fundraising team for Southend Hospital.
(c) Councillor D Richardson – (all Health related items) – employed as a therapist.
(d) Councillor K Murphy – Minute numbers 31 and 33 (Transitions) – employee of Great Ormond Street Hospital.
(e) Councillor A Line – Minute number 32 (Food for Learning) – Fans Supporting Southend Foodbanks Co-Founder. |
Questions from Members of the Public Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the response of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education & Learning to a question presented by Mr Webb, which was presented by Councillor K Murphy in Councillor H Boyd’s absence.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 August 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: O. Richards (Healthwatch Southend) requested a clarification to minute number 24, to read: The Committee also considered the evidence which Healthwatch Southend had submitted to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health and Care in respect of NHS dentistry.
That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30 August 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed. |
Healthy Lifestyles Services Procurement 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director (Children and Public Health) by way of pre-cabinet scrutiny, presenting the proposed decision for the re-procurement of the Healthy Lifestyles services for a new contract in September 2024.
The Committee discussed the report in detail and asked a number of questions which were responded to by the Director of Public Health.
During the discussion, the Healthwatch Southend representative questioned the extent to which local residents were involved in local procurement processes and the opportunities going forward surrounding this.
Action: In response the Director of Public Health confirmed that he would ask the Head of Procurement.
That the report to Cabinet be noted. |
Transition Planning between CAMHs and Adult Mental Health Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from the Assistant Director, SET CAMHS and Children’s Services for South Essex &Thurrock, providing an overview of transition planning between CAMHs and Adult Mental Health.
The Committee welcomed the presentation and asked a number of questions which were responded to by the Assistant Director from SET CAMHS.
That the presentation on Transition Planning between CAMHs and Adult Mental Health be noted. |
Food for Learning Briefing Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from M Faulkner-Hatt (Member of Youth Parliament for Southend) and J. Ayao (Youth Mayor). Key highlights included:
· An update on the ‘Make Your Mark’ campaign – the outcome of which was the prioritisation of Health and Wellbeing as the biggest issue affecting 11-18 year olds. · The outcomes from the ‘Spill the tea’ event held in Southchurch High School to discuss why free school meals for everyone was so vital.
During the presentation a number of free school meal cost comparisons were highlighted alongside the challenges that faced young people in the cost and nutrient quality of meals. A number of ideas had been suggested by under 18s which were reported to the Committee during the briefing.
The Committee commended both the Member of Youth Parliament and Youth Mayor for their excellent and comprehensive work on this subject.
It was reported that a London Borough school were opting in children and young people into free school meal entitlement automatically, with parents then having to ‘opt out’ if they so desired. Some concern was expressed about the financial burden of such an initiative, and whether this was paid by local funds or nationally.
Action: In response to this the Executive Director for Children and Public Health confirmed that he would investigate the funding arrangements for an opt-in scheme, (whether free school meals were charged back to Central Government) and report back to the Committee and Young People outside of the meeting.
Action: The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Learning, along with the Chair and Vice-Chair, agreed to coordinate a meeting with the Member of Youth Parliament to discuss possible next steps as a way forward.
That the Food for Learning presentation be noted. |
EPUT transition programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from the Director for Community Delivery and Partnerships, Southeast Essex and Assistant Director for Community Specialist Children’s Services, Southend and Essex (EPUT).
The presentation set out EPUT Children’s Specialist Health Services and the young people’s transition programme using “Ready, Steady, Go”. This programme was designed to help young people with the transition to adult age services.
The Committee asked a number of questions which were responded to by the EPUT representatives.
That the presentation on the EPUT “Ready Steady, Go” transition programme be noted. |
Co Production Framework Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from the Co-production Lead and Head of Communities regarding the draft co-production framework and toolkit. It was reported that the toolkit was in development and once finalised would be available to all staff within the Council.
The Committee asked a number of questions which were responded to by the Co-production lead and voluntary sector partners expressed their desire to input into this work.
That the presentation on the draft co-production framework be noted. |
Southend SEND Area Partnership: SEND Strategic Action Plan 2023-2026 Please note that this item is for information only. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the Southend SEND Area Partnership: SEND Strategic Action Plan 2023-2026 which was an information only item. The Chair advised that an update on the implementation of the action plan was scheduled for the Committee meeting in February 2024.