
Scrutiny Committees

Scrutiny at Southend

Southend on Sea City Council has three multi-party Scrutiny Committees which support the work of the Executive (Cabinet) and the Council as a whole:
There are 17 elected Members appointed to each Scrutiny Committee. Each Committee must reflect the political balance of the full Council, which is made up of 51 Members.

All non-Cabinet Members have the opportunity to serve on at least one Scrutiny Committee. The three Scrutiny Committees are chaired by Councillors from the opposition group represented on the Council.

The People Scrutiny Committee has specialist co-opted members and observers that bring additional expertise and experience. There are 7 co-opted members on the Scrutiny Committee - two Diocesan representatives with voting rights on education matters, two elected parent governor representatives with voting rights on education matters, three non-voting members representing the Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS), Healthwatch Southend and the Southend Carers. In addition there are two observers representing the Youth Council.

The Committees meet on average six times a year, and the meetings are held in public. These generally take place at the Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea. For further information about the meetings of Scrutiny Committees, please visit the Meetings page.

Every Municipal Year, each of the Scrutiny Committees select a topic for an in-depth study/public inquiries into matters of local concern. These lead to reports and recommendations which advise the Executive and the Council as a whole on its policies, budget and service delivery. Copies of the reports regarding the previous topics undertaken can be accessed from the library.


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